How To Give Smecto To Babies

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How To Give Smecto To Babies
How To Give Smecto To Babies

Video: How To Give Smecto To Babies

Video: How To Give Smecto To Babies
Video: First Aid for choking in babies and children 🍇 2024, October

The first days of life in infants are often accompanied by diarrhea, colic, vomiting and other symptoms associated with digestive disorders. This is due to the fact that just during this period, the formation and formation of the children's digestive system takes place. There are a considerable number of medicines on sale that can help parents eliminate the problem that a baby has. One of them is Smecta, a drug that most pediatricians prefer.

How to give smecto to babies
How to give smecto to babies

It is necessary

  • - Smecta
  • - water
  • - bottle


Step 1

Smecta, which is a powder for preparing an emulsion, has a simple composition: diosmectite, saccharin, cellulose monohydrate and additives that give the drug an orange / vanilla flavor. The preparation is based on diosmectite, which is a natural aluminosilicate porous clay. The active substances included in its composition act selectively, without interacting with beneficial intestinal media and vitamins; "Attracts" and binds pathogenic microorganisms and gases, removing them from the body; neutralizes excess digestive acids; do not react with other medicines, but perceives them as foreign elements of the body, reducing their effectiveness.


Step 2

Parents are interested in the safety of using Smekta by infants. This medicine is safe even for the smallest, since its constituent components are excreted from the child's body naturally with feces, without being absorbed into the bloodstream and without negatively affecting internal organs and tissues. In addition, the safety of the drug is associated with the fact that it is a "smart" absorbent that removes extremely harmful substances from the body without harming vitamins, beneficial bacteria and intestinal microorganisms.

Step 3

Smecta is prescribed for the following problems in a newborn: acute and chronic diarrhea, bloating, inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, duodenal and intestinal ulcers, loose stools, frequent regurgitation, dysbiosis, colic and pain in the abdominal cavity, increased gas production, gastritis, nausea, vomiting. In addition, the drug is effective in cases of food and drug poisoning, rotavirus infection, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome.

Step 4

Smecta should not be taken in case of individual intolerance to the baby's body of active medicinal components, intestinal obstruction. The preparation contains glucose, so it is contraindicated in infants with fructosemia.

Step 5

The medicine is available in powder form in sachets. Infants are usually given one sachet per day. The drug is diluted in 50 ml of warm boiled water, breast milk or milk formula if the baby is artificially fed. The resulting mixture is poured into a bottle and given to the child several times a day. Shake the medicine bottle before use so that there is no sediment. Children over 1 year old can use Smecta diluted with fruit or vegetable puree, soup and other liquid food. The drug has a pleasant smell and does not have a bitter taste, so the guys are not capricious when using the prepared mixture.

Step 6

If the baby has a serious condition associated with persistent vomiting and diarrhea, the daily dose of the medicine may be increased by the doctor to 2 sachets per day. You should refrain from changing the dosage yourself, as this may harm the child. On average, the course of treatment with Smecta is 3 days.

Step 7

The first months of a child's life are often accompanied by frequent diarrhea. There are many factors leading to it. This may be due to the complex process of the formation of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby in the first days of his life, therefore, frequent loose stools can be observed even in healthy children. In addition, the precursor of diarrhea can be the eruption of milk teeth, the transfer of the baby to artificial feeding, the introduction of complementary foods, and making mistakes when choosing, preparing and storing food. The reason for diarrhea can also be poor processing of nipples, bottles, baby toys. After taking Smecta, pathogens are absorbed and removed from the baby's gastrointestinal tract. The drug envelops the mucous membranes, providing additional protection, helps to restore the balance of the intestinal microflora.


Step 8

With diathesis, allergic reactions and rashes on the child's skin are observed. The disease can affect the intestinal mucous membranes and lead to disruption of the natural microflora, causing dysbiosis. Smecta helps to establish normal stool and restore the required amount of beneficial bacteria in the child's body.

Step 9

There are practically no side effects when taking Smecta. In isolated cases, fever and allergic reactions may occur. In case of non-compliance with the dosages prescribed by the doctor or self-increase in the dose, the child may experience constipation. The appearance of side effects, as well as a long absence of a result of treatment, should be accompanied by discontinuation of the drug and consultation with a pediatrician.

Step 10

Thanks to the reception of Smekta, it is possible to solve many problems with the child's gastrointestinal tract, starting from the first days of his life. Due to its safety and affordable price, this drug is in great demand among pediatricians and parents. The main thing in this case is to strictly follow the instructions of a specialist and in no case self-medicate.
