Pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding for many women is not only positive emotions, happiness from the birth of a long-awaited baby, but also excitement, fears. Increased anxiety, sleep disturbance are frequent companions of women in position and after childbirth. To alleviate the condition and achieve calming, often pregnant and lactating women take valerian, familiar to everyone.

Such a sedative as valerian is effective for insomnia, nervous excitement, neurosis. This drug helps to find balance, relieve stress. Excessive excitement is not the most favorable condition for pregnant women. When breastfeeding, you should also not expose yourself to stress in order to maintain lactation. Like any other drug, valerian requires taking as directed by a doctor and strict adherence to the instructions.
How to take valerian during pregnancy
The drug valerian has the least amount of side effects, a mild sedative allows you to "pull yourself together" and cope with the psychological stress that accompanies pregnancy. Expectant mothers are prone to anxiety not only because of hormonal changes, but also because of uncertainty about the future, fear of childbirth, personal problems and other reasons.
The healing properties of valerian have been known since ancient Greece. The production of a drug that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system began on an industrial scale in the seventeenth century.
The sedative valerian medicinal is prescribed for depression, migraine, insomnia, nervous excitability. You should also know that during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe valerian to relieve spasm in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, ordinary valerian can improve the well-being of a pregnant woman with tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, and arterial hypertension.
When taking Valerian officinalis during pregnancy, it must be borne in mind that this drug does not give an immediate effect. Valerian has a cumulative but stable effect. You need to take the drug in the form of tablets, however, if there are only drops at hand, a small dose of the drug will not bring much harm to the pregnant woman.
Valerian while breastfeeding - the nuances of taking
Nursing mothers can also take a sedative such as valerian. However, it must be borne in mind that this drug will have an effect on both the mother and the baby. When taking valerian medicinal during lactation, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, because the active substances will pass into breast milk. Basically, valerian for lactating women is prescribed for three doses - no more than one tablet at a time (only three tablets a day).
As in pregnancy, after childbirth, you should not use valerian in the form of alcohol tincture. You should not drink broths, infusions from the rhizome of the plant. As a rule, when breastfeeding, valerian is drunk in courses for several weeks or days.
Valerian is available not only in tablets, but also in drops, as well as in the form of crushed plant materials. Valerian root is used to make the powder.
When taking valerian during lactation, you need to monitor the possibility of an allergic reaction in a child. Also, this drug can have the opposite effect for the baby - exciting instead of mild sedation. The medicine can also cause drowsiness, lethargy in infants. Therefore, it is worth drinking valerian only if the pharmacy does not affect the health of the crumbs.