As you know, many great people were small in stature. Napoleon Bonaparte, Edith Piaf, Charlotte Bronte, Yuri Gagarin, Pablo Picasso, Alexander Pushkin - all of them became famous thanks to their talent, and small growth did not become a hindrance to them. Despite this, most parents worry if their child lags behind their peers.

Step 1
If it seems to you that the child has stopped growing, you should not panic. First, figure out what caused this. The first factor to look at is the age of the child. You need to know that children grow unevenly, alternating periods of "stretching" and "rounding". During periods of intensive growth (first year of life, 4-5 years old, puberty), when all organs and systems work with increased stress, the child stretches faster. During the periods of "rounding", the growth rate decreases, the internal organs develop. During the year, the formation of children can also be intermittent. For many of them, growth accelerates in the spring-summer period, and stops in the autumn-winter period.
Step 2
Genetic factors also play an important role in stunting. Short parents are unlikely to expect a giant child. In addition, there is a constitutional growth retardation, when, up to a certain age, the child lags behind his peers, but later catches up or even surpasses them. Check with relatives. Maybe stunted growth at a certain age is characteristic of children in your family?
Step 3
But it sometimes happens that even with tall parents, the child is the last in the line. In this case, improper nutrition, lack of movement and fresh air may be to blame. Strictly control the diet, make sure that it is sufficient and complete. Do not allow your child to eat in a hurry and dry food, limit the use of "empty" foods such as sweets, chips and crackers. It is better to replace them with fruits (dry and fresh) and nuts. Remember that a lack of protein, vitamins and other nutrients causes stunted growth. Also, for normal development, a child needs to be in the fresh air every day, to move a lot. Analyze the child's daily routine, pay attention to whether he sits all day in front of the TV and the computer in the same position. Organize daily walks away from gas-polluted trails. In summer, take your child to swim in open water, in winter - skate and ski. If it is not possible to independently increase the child's motor activity, send him to the sports section. Just refrain from sports that inhibit growth (weightlifting, gymnastics, acrobatics).
Step 4
The most unpleasant reason that a child grows poorly is, of course, a state of health. This may be to blame for disruption of the endocrine glands, brain, birth trauma, intrauterine pathology, chronic diseases. Be sure to undergo examinations by specialists on time, hand over all tests. Remember, the sooner an abnormality is revealed, the easier it is to treat it.