A man should be a breadwinner in the family, and a wife's vocation is to inspire and support him to new victories. Some women interfere with their husbands' development due to the presence of certain habits and attitudes.

Every man wants to develop, dreams of achieving a certain success, financial well-being. The woman who is nearby can both help to achieve the goal and prevent it. Bad psychological habits of the wife often become the cause of failure.
Fear instilling
A woman who values stability above all else is afraid of the new and unknown unconsciously prevents her husband from achieving success. If a man wants to change jobs or start a business, she opposes and gives many weighty arguments. Such wives instill fear in their husbands and frighten them with lack of money. Over time, the man himself begins to experience similar emotions, he is afraid to take a step to the side, so that the financial situation of the family does not worsen, so that there is something to feed the children. Fear paralyzes and a person no longer wants to try new things, take risks, take leadership positions. All this leads to the fact that a man stops growing and can occupy the same position all his life.
Desire to save on everything
The habit of saving on everything prevents the head of the family from growing. Women often try not to spend extra money, do not buy good clothes for themselves and their children, save on food and convince their husbands that everything is fine and that someone is living worse. They do it with the best intentions, wanting to cheer up a man, increase his self-esteem. But this behavior ultimately leads to unpleasant consequences. The head of the family stops trying to earn more, because there is already enough for a living.
To rectify the situation, you do not need to demand the impossible from your husband and make unreasonable spending. You can just sometimes unobtrusively hint to him about your desires to buy a beautiful dress, spend money on a trip to a beautician.
The desire to do everything yourself
Modern women work no less than men and earn decent money. Many people throw all their strength into career development and achieve high results. Such women often earn more than their husbands. This becomes a reason for pride, but psychologists assure that such a situation prevents a man from developing and can cause a break in relations.

The head of the family needs the right motivation. A woman should inspire him for career growth, support, but at the same time remain in the shadows. When the wife earns more than enough, the husband's desire to achieve more disappears. He feels great in his position, but later begins to experience complexes, which does not reflect in the best way on family relationships.
Lack of desires and goals
To grow financially, you need to set clear goals and correctly formulate desires. If a woman is not smart enough and very modest in her requirements, this prevents her husband from developing. The wife is already happy with everything, she does not ask or want anything, so there is no incentive to strive for new victories.
Justifying failure
Some women are used to justifying failure by coincidence, outside interference. They impose the exact same thoughts on their man. If something does not work out for him, the wife scolds the bosses, relatives who did not want to help advance in the service, or find other excuses. Over time, a man begins to think that almost nothing depends on him, and stops fighting.

Making bad energy
Sloppy, sloppy women who do not know how to create comfort at home, provide her husband with a reliable rear, hinder the development of the family's well-being. The presence of a large number of old and unnecessary things in the house, clutter does not contribute to financial growth. If a woman does not look after her husband, does not help him to look neat and stylish, this is very bad. At work or in the service, a man is perceived accordingly. This makes it difficult to take a higher position.
The habit of reproaching your husband, reminding you of failures can stop all his aspirations to earn more. A person is pleased to hear praise. It is important for any man to realize that they believe in him, support him, love him. It inspires and makes you do the almost impossible.
Reproaches and nagging not only hinder the development of personality, but also kill love. There is also no need to remember the past failures of a loved one. It hurts and negatively affects motivation.