Sometimes parents need help, but it is very difficult to share earnings with them. In this case, small finances have to be divided into two families, it turns out that everyone does not have enough. There are several tricks that help you save money, using them, you will make your situation easier.

You can help the older generation not only with money, you can provide support with things, products, and this will allow them to preserve their finances. And by offering just that kind of help, you can leave much more in your pocket.
Wholesale purchases
You often buy groceries, this is a must for every family. But if you combine needs and buy something in bulk, costs will be reduced by 10-20%. To do this, you need to go to the store 1-2 times a month, buying everything you need. Make a list of the things you need, indicate the required amount. Then choose a wholesale warehouse or store where prices will delight you. Usually there is a minimum purchase amount in such places, but purchasing something for two families, you can easily meet the requirements.
It is important not to buy anything superfluous, you do not need to purchase something that was not included in the plans. Of course, you shouldn't ignore useful promotions and discounts, but think about the usefulness of things every time. Your goal is to save money.
Joint purchases
Today there are joint shopping sites. People unite and buy things from the manufacturer at the lowest price. There is no store markup, which allows you to save from 30 to 60%. This way you can buy furniture, dishes, bedding, clothes and even food. Find a similar site for your city and start comparing prices. When you need something, go not shopping, but to this resource.
Joint purchases have a significant disadvantage - the order has to wait up to 30 days. But if you adapt, then everything will turn out great. Order gifts in advance, buy necessary things for your family and home. Also, help your parents with the right things, not money. It will be cheaper for you.
Coupons and discounts
Today there are sites that allow you to use discount coupons, participate in promotions. Look for such offers, start looking for opportunities. Your parents need to visit a hairdresser, and here you can find them a promotion that will save up to 70% of funds for a new haircut. They need to be tested or examined by doctors, this can also save money. Dentist services can cost up to 50% less than usual. And this will be very relevant support, although it does not require significant investments.
Teach to save
Helping parents can also be that you tell them that they do not always manage their budget correctly. Point out the waste, convince them to keep track of spending, and show them how to save money. You can invite them to keep a book of records in which to enter all purchases, it will clearly demonstrate the leakage of funds. Can you tell me how to invest in order to receive additional income every month. Treat them carefully, and perhaps this will compensate for their lack of cash flows.