Young mothers often worry about whether their baby is eating well and whether he has enough food. After all, small children, especially babies, often refuse to eat or completely fall asleep during feeding. How to determine whether the child has enough food or not?

Step 1
The first thing to look out for is weight. This is the main indicator. If the baby eats well, and he has enough breast milk or formula, then he is gaining weight. It is not necessary to weigh the child every day; it will be enough to monitor the average monthly increase. In the first six months of life, the baby should gain an average of about 800 grams per month. However, it should be noted that if the baby has health problems, for example, birth injuries, damage to the central nervous system, problems with the digestive system, most likely, even with a very good appetite, the child will not gain weight.
Step 2
You also need to pay attention to the child's chair. Normally, babies up to 6 weeks old should have a chair 3-4 times a day. It should be creamy, yellow, without any inclusions of curdled milk. A sign of a lack of nutrition can be very loose stools or, conversely, very thick or rare.
Step 3
If your baby is constipated, take the time to give an enema or give a laxative, make sure the baby is eating enough milk or formula. The approximate daily amount of food for babies up to a month is 500-650ml, 1-5 months - 700-900ml, 5-12 months - 900-1000ml. White milk clots in the baby's stool indicate that the food is not being absorbed completely. Mom should change her diet if the baby is breastfed, and the artificial people need to choose a different mixture.
Step 4
It is also possible to determine if the child has enough nutrition using the "wet diaper method". Mom needs to count how many times a child urinates. Normally, the baby pees 6-8 times a day, for newborns the number of urinations is 20-25 times. In a well-fed child, urine is almost colorless and does not have a pungent odor. This method is correct only if the baby does not receive any liquid other than milk or an adapted milk formula.