Many breastfeeding mothers are faced with a milk shortage problem. Thoughts immediately appear in my head that nothing will work out, and it is necessary to feed the child with artificial mixtures. But do not despair, the main thing is to tune in to success and take measures to stimulate lactation.

The reasons for the decrease in milk production can be stress or physical fatigue, feeding by the clock, improper attachment of the baby, using a pacifier, adding water or formula, refusing to feed at night, and lack of desire to breastfeed.
Two hormones are responsible for milk production in the body of a nursing mother - prolactin and oxytocin. The formation of prolactin directly depends on the frequency of the baby's latching on to the breast and the duration of sucking. That is, if a woman wants to increase the amount of milk, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast as often as possible and give him the opportunity to suck as much as he wants. It is important to feed not on schedule, but on demand. In addition, prolactin is most produced during the night hours, from about 3 to 7 o'clock. Therefore, night feeds are very important for successful breastfeeding.
The action of the second hormone, oxytocin, is aimed at moving milk along the ducts to the nipple. Under stress or physical fatigue of a nursing mother, little oxytocin is produced, and milk is not excreted in the required amount. Therefore, it is so important for a woman to take care of comfortable feeding, and her husband and relatives need to create a calm atmosphere in the house and provide the young mother with rest and support. Before breastfeeding, you can lightly massage your breasts and take a warm shower.
An important role is played by the correct grip of the breast, in which the baby opens his mouth wide and captures not only the nipple, but also the halo - a dark areola, the lower lip is turned outward, and the chin touches the breast. Proper sucking stimulates sufficient milk production, ensures that all breast lobules are emptied and does not cause pain for the nursing mother. The use of a pacifier can interfere with the formation of an improper grip and insufficient stimulation of the breast by the baby. It is best if the baby naturally satisfies its sucking reflex.
If there is not enough milk, you can drink tea made from herbs that enhance lactation. These include oregano, nettle, cumin, anise, fennel. Shredded walnuts infused with warm milk and carrot juice mixed with low-fat cream or milk increase lactation. A nursing mother should eat well and consume at least two liters of fluid per day.
The mental attitude towards successful breastfeeding plays a very important role. A nursing mother must believe that she is able to provide her baby with the most valuable and healthy nutrition.