Snoring is more common in adults and the elderly. However, in some situations, a small child can snore in a dream. This state of the baby naturally causes anxiety and concern among parents. What are the causes of childhood snoring, why does it occur?

Non-medical factors triggering snoring in a child
In some cases, children can snore and breathe heavily if they sleep in a very uncomfortable position. In this case, the baby can be gently, trying not to wake up, arrange in a more comfortable position. An unsuitable mattress or a pillow that is too large and too soft can also trigger snoring during sleep.
If the room is very stuffy and hot, if the air is dry and warm, it may be difficult for the child to breathe. The mucous membranes of the nose dry out quickly, forming an unpleasant crust on them, which makes it difficult for oxygen to enter the lungs. This reason for snoring in a child is especially pronounced during the heating season, because batteries and heaters dry out the air in an apartment very much. Here special humidifiers for the home can come to the rescue. In some cases, if the room is not very large, it will be enough to place a bowl of plain water, which, evaporating, will saturate the air with moisture.
Physiological causes of snoring in childhood
An incorrect bite in a child can become a provocateur, causing night snoring. Snoring is caused by the vibration of the uvula, which blocks the normal oxygen supply when the baby is in bed.
In some cases, a child may snore at night due to a hereditary predisposition to snoring. As a rule, such a physiological feature does not pose a serious threat to life or health. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor anyway.
With any deformations of the facial or cranial bones, snoring is possible as a result of the condition.
Diseases that cause snoring in a child
Any diseases of the ENT organs. A child can snore both during a period of illness, for example, with severe nasal congestion, and during the recovery phase or even after an illness. If snoring persists when the baby's well-being is already normal, this may indicate hidden complications affecting the respiratory system. It is not recommended to wait until the situation is resolved on your own. It is imperative to consult a pediatrician for advice and possible subsequent treatment.
Chronic tonsillitis. In this condition, the tonsils are almost all the time in a swollen state. As they grow in size, they narrow the spaces through which air enters the lungs. Because of this, the child begins to make snoring sounds.
Obesity. Excess weight negatively affects organs and systems, especially in childhood. When wondering why a child snores at night, you need to make sure that the baby is not overweight. Obesity, even at an early stage, can affect the breathing process.
Apnea tendency. Apnea is a condition in which breathing is held / stopped during sleep. It can be dangerous as it can lead to suffocation. Apnea is typical for children who have a very weak immune system, who often and are seriously ill with various infectious diseases. Experts note that children who are born prematurely are especially prone to sleep apnea and snoring, and those babies who move very little during the day, preferring to lie on the couch or sit at the computer.
Adenoids. With inflammatory processes that affect the adenoids, normal breathing becomes inaccessible. Against the background of the disease, night snoring develops in the child.
Rolandic epilepsy. This form of epilepsy is manifested by seizures at night, while they usually affect only one half of the body. During a seizure, the amount of saliva increases, which increases the tendency to snore. Children's snoring with this form of epilepsy is a consequence of the disease. As a rule, this disorder is diagnosed after 2 years of age, often the diagnosis is made by chance. Parents may not even be aware of this condition of the child, since it is extremely difficult to notice and track all the signs of Rolandic epilepsy.
Bronchial asthma. A child can snore not only in a situation where he has already been diagnosed with asthma. Children who have an increased predisposition to this disease also often snore at night.
Respiratory system diseases. Even just not completely cured bronchitis can cause a condition when a child snores heavily in a dream and suffocates, waking up from a cough. Any respiratory diseases should be treated under the supervision of a pediatrician in order to avoid possible complications.
Allergic reactions. Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. In some cases, it comes out through the swelling of the throat. When the swelling is severe, it is impossible not to notice it. But there are situations when the allergy does not go away very acutely, but it is this condition that is the answer to the question that worries parents, why the child snores at night. If there is a suspicion of an allergic reaction, it is worth giving the child the appropriate medication.
Nervous or psychosomatic snoring. This type of night snoring affects both adults and children. In a situation of severe stress, overexertion, or emotional exhaustion, the child may begin to sleep poorly, have nightmares, snore or choke while in bed. Soothing herbal teas and sedatives can help relieve the condition.