Social networks are very convenient web resources not only for communication, but also for expressing one's own opinion on a particular aspect. If you want to comment on a girl's page, you should be careful not to cause negative feelings in her.

Step 1
See which sections of the girl's page are open for you to write comments. The most convenient place where messages from users are immediately visible is the wall, however, depending on the privacy settings, it can be available for commenting by all users, only friends, or no one at all (the girl posts only her own publications or re-posts from other pages).
Step 2
If you are not yet familiar with the girl, just try to rate (“like”) the posts you like on her wall. This may be enough for her to pay attention to you and even write you a private message herself. You can even repost several of her posts on your wall, which will be especially noticeable. Even if after your actions there is no response, and you yourself try to write to her, the girl will be ready for this.
Step 3
In the event that it is possible to post comments on the girl's wall, leave them under those posts that are most suitable for discussion and expression of a personal opinion on them. For example, if she posted notes with her opinion on the current political situation in the country, a new film or book, the game of her favorite sports team, etc., write that you watched, read or saw the same thing, and you also really liked it. This is a good opportunity to move smoothly to acquaintance and personal correspondence.
Step 4
A great opportunity for commenting is the photos on the girl's page. Pay special attention to the avatar, on which most often girls put their best photos and at the same time wait to be appreciated. Be sure to "like" her avatar and leave a non-trivial and interesting comment under it, for example, "You look amazing!" or “It’s a pity that I was not next to you at this wonderful moment …” So you will definitely attract attention to yourself and become a welcome interlocutor in the future.
Step 5
Photos posted in albums and on the girl's wall are also good for commenting. Do not forget to "like" and leave notes corresponding to the captured moments. Appreciate the beauty of the girl herself and nature in the background, admire the cities and countries she visited, and praise her for her ability to take very colorful and unusual photos. Do the same under the videos and other files or posts that the girl posted on her page.