Communication on social networks is a modern effective way to meet and communicate with the opposite sex. There is an opinion that commenting on entries on a young man's page can quickly attract his attention and arouse sympathy for a girl.

Step 1
Think about where and what comments would be better to leave. It depends on how well you know him and how detailed his page is. If the guy is not yet on the list of your friends, but you want to attract his attention and arouse interest in you, select those pages that are available for viewing and editing. This could be an avatar, some photo albums, and a wall. Also, if you find posts from a guy in any community, you can take part in their discussion.
Step 2
To attract a guy's attention, it is enough to write one or two words that will be compliments in his direction, for example, "beautiful" or "cool avatar". Be sure to add a smiling or laughing emoticon at the end. You can even limit yourself to one smiling or winking emoticon as a comment. This will be enough for the guy to want to visit your page. You should not leave a lot of notes, it is enough to comment on 1-2 photos so that you are not considered overly annoying.
Step 3
If you already know a guy and he is your friend, you can leave more comments and do it more often. Since you will have access to all entries, you can comment more often. Rate photos, videos and other publications and be more verbose. You can praise the guy for his creativity or appreciate his humor, etc.
Step 4
Pay special attention to commenting on posts on the guy's wall (home page). You can express your point of view regarding a particular publication and its content - agree with the current quote, give an example from your own life, etc. Also, to look more creative in the eyes of a guy, try commenting on his post by posting a song or animation that fits the meaning below.
Step 5
Do not forget to put "likes" - marks "I like", which are available in almost all social networks. It is not necessary to comment on each entry, but you can safely put marks that sometimes make the guy pay attention to you better than any words. And if he appreciates brevity and is light by nature, you can leave funny emoticons under his notes.
Step 6
Even more than likes, reposts are valued - sending other people's publications to their own page with an indication of the source. Repost a few of the guy's posts that you think are most important. As a result, he will understand that you and him have common interests and outlook on life.