The eternal problem of all mothers is the question of how to dress the child on the street so that he does not freeze, sweat, get wet and catch a cold … Most mothers prefer to wrap the child with his head in a warm grandmother's scarf, so long as the child does not slip somewhere something inadvertently. Is this correct or not? And how do children perceive temperature "overboard"?

Temperature norm in children
The usual 36, 6 is the norm only for adults. The body temperature in children, depending on age, during the day can vary from 36 to 37.7, and this is normal. The temperature is maintained by heat dissipation. They practically do not sweat, so it is more difficult for them to give off heat than for adults. From this it follows that children (with the exception of newborns) are comfortable with a lower ambient temperature. A child is better at regulating his temperature as an adult with moderate cooling and quickly overheats even with a slight increase in air temperature.
Do children like it warmer?
Short-term overheating and hypothermia are not dangerous for most children. Excessive wrapping and high room temperatures can lead to severe overheating. And this can disrupt the activity of the heart, brain and other organs. Overheating while sleeping in the same bed with the mother is one of the main causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Long-term hypothermia in children in Russian realities is almost impossible.
Pediatrician Anna Levadnaya advises not to focus on the cheeks and nose in order to understand if the child is cold or hot, they can be cool. Better to touch the neck area. Whether a young child is overcooled can be understood by the behavior: the baby will cry or, on the contrary, will be lethargic and snotty. Trust children more in matters of thermoregulation, because they themselves can tell early on whether they are hot or cold. Many children want to test the effect of frost on themselves, for example, they want to go without a hat. The task of the mother in this situation is to carry clothes nearby, so that at the moment when the child freezes, offer them to him. Give children the opportunity to learn to listen to their body.

European experience
In many European countries, parents dress their children easier than ours: children in London or Amsterdam can walk without hats, scarves, gloves, in demi-season shoes, and not wear tights until the very cold. Children are still being wrapped in Russia, despite the fact that the climate is getting warmer every year. Should you be guided by the European experience? Pediatricians unanimously say: "Yes".
In most cases, mothers warmly dress children with a rhyme. In addition to the fact that excess clothing constrains movement and disrupts the child's mobility, he also sweats. And as a consequence, of course, it gets supercooled after it stops moving. Often, parents are sitting on a bench, freezing and projecting their feelings onto the children. In no case should you do this, because everything is different with babies.

They are constantly moving! Remember this when you are going for a walk with your child. Dress him like you, minus one layer, adjusted for activity. Then the baby will get sick less often, and you will sleep well without fear for his health.