Traditionally, men take the first step towards acquaintance or starting a relationship, but they are unlikely to be interested in a woman who is not inclined to communicate and flirt. In addition, males may simply be scared of a beautiful girl for fear of rejection. Then you have to take the initiative.

Step 1
Before you start taking action, you need to become self-confident. In order not to think about how your silhouette looks from the side, take care of your appearance in advance. Go to the gym, get your hair done - in general, give your body a well-groomed look. As for clothing, it should not be defiant, but rather a little exciting and emphasizing the dignity of your figure.
Step 2
To attract the attention of a man you like, use your main weapon - a look and a smile. The look can be quick, but precise, or long, which will look more impressive along with a flirty pulling back of a strand of hair. The smile should be natural and light.
Step 3
If he has already paid attention to you, go for the trick, for example, asking him for help. Situations can be different - help fill out a document, choose a book in a store, or just find your way. A self-respecting man will definitely respond to the request. Or maybe he will still be grateful to you for her, because at the same moment he racked his brains in the hope of talking to you.
Step 4
If you meet the same person several times in a row and have already felt a burning interest in him, it will probably be even easier to take the first step. At every next meeting, greet him with a smile, a nod of the head, or the traditional “good afternoon”. Depending on where you most often see each other, identify your common interests: love of music, literature, sports or theater performances. An example of the first phrase might be: “Hello, great exhibition, isn't it? How do you like the previous one? …"
Step 5
Is there a man in your environment with whom you have been in contact for a long time, but the relationship is "stuck" at the stage of friendship? Tell him about your feelings, but subtly. For example, the next time he makes a good joke, tell him, "I like you," but as if you said, "You have a nice tie." One way or another, he will remember these words and, perhaps, look at you with different eyes.