The modern way of life dictates its own rules of behavior. But still, not everyone manages to get rid of the "ancient", generally accepted standards and keep up with the times. For example, since the time of the last century, men had to take the first step, look after, protect and give flowers to a woman. And it is so difficult to understand now that a woman can do it too (and sometimes she should). And, if you liked the man, then you are not at all ashamed to be the first to take the initiative.

Courage, confidence in victory, determination, charm
Step 1
Let's say you like a coworker, a neighbor, or simply fascinated by some stranger. It is not so important. The main thing is that you liked a man who does not know about it yet. First you need to try to establish contact with him, that is, to talk. You still do not know what kind of person he is, and, perhaps, the first conversation may not work out, or, on the contrary, the person will turn out to be very sociable and sociable, and you will have the feeling that you have known each other for a long time. Try to interest him in something. At the same time, the most harmless way, especially when you are talking for the first time, is the ability to listen, and men love this very much. Therefore, when first communicating, the most important thing is to listen, ask questions, be interested in his life, hobbies, friends, etc. It is not at all necessary to talk about yourself, or rather, it is generally prohibited. A few harmless phrases about a happy childhood or everyday life will suffice.
Step 2
But if you are already familiar with a man and you have developed good friendships, and you still do not dare to tell him about your sympathy, then here you need to use heavy artillery. The ability to speak and communicate will not be enough. Many people know that men value sincerity and openness very much, so you can safely declare your tender feelings and sympathy. Tell him about it, only carefully and unobtrusively. Firstly, it will be very pleasant for him, and secondly, he will look at you with different eyes. Maybe not right away, but over time it will. Feel free to talk about what you think and feel, be confident in yourself. Perhaps he felt the same towards you, but hesitated to say. Take the initiative and take action.