What To Do If A Guy Doesn't Take The First Step

What To Do If A Guy Doesn't Take The First Step
What To Do If A Guy Doesn't Take The First Step

If the guy doesn't take the first step, push him yourself. Modern society allows a girl to take the first half step. Just do not forget to transfer the initiative to men's hands later.

What to do if a guy doesn't take the first step
What to do if a guy doesn't take the first step

To push a guy to the first step, you need to be confident in your irresistibility. When a woman is confident in her attractiveness, she sends non-verbal signals to those around her. Men do not pass by such women, even if there is nothing special about them.

You need not only to be confident in your beauty, but also to show the guy that you are interested in him. Often, men, seeing an attractive girl, begin to feel shy. To prevent this from happening, with the help of certain gestures, you should show that you are interested in a man. Traditional methods of seduction will do, such as turning the body towards the interlocutor, touching, ambiguous eyes, low timbre of voice, and others.

Get the guy interested. Try to stand out from the crowd surrounding this man, with some kind of zest in appearance or, for example, an interesting hobby. When communicating for any reason, try to find common ground that can connect you. A man will definitely take the initiative when he sees how much you have in common.

People more often value those for whom they do something good and useful. This can be used. Show your femininity and fragility. Ask him for help. But it is important not to go too far with helplessness, not to lose independence and not seem like a little girl.

The independence and inaccessibility of women is one of the most powerful incentives for taking initiative. You should not be available to a man at any time, and impose on him. In this case, in order to be with you, he will have to constantly take the first steps.

Thank and reward the man for every initiative he takes. You don't have to say thank you. Instead, reciprocate. Right after the guy does something nice for you, do something for him too. A man will definitely notice such a causal relationship.
