Traditionally, it is believed that the first step towards a relationship should be taken by a man. The girl can only sit and wait for attention to be paid to her, and then show favor or reject the unlucky admirer. But more and more often it happens that girls take the initiative on their own. The main thing here is to ensure that the young man is sincerely convinced that it was he who took the first step.

Step 1
One of the most effective ways to draw attention to yourself is by light flirting. However, you need to flirt very subtly and unobtrusively so as not to look funny and not alienate the man you like. It is important to use non-verbal cues: turning the body towards the object of your sympathy, although you can only turn the toes of the shoes. One of the most effective ways to attract attention is "mirroring" gestures. When communicating with a young man, it is necessary to repeat his gestures: head tilt, hand movements, etc. Just don't make it too obvious, so as not to look comical.
Step 2
To be guaranteed to arouse sympathy on the part of a man, you should try to make friends with him. It is best to build a friendship based on common interests, you can walk the dogs together, attend a sports section, etc. If initially there are no intersection points, you need to start to be interested in what the young man is passionate about. You can learn about his interests both from mutual acquaintances and from himself, and then, on their basis, try to build friendly relations. Such friendship often turns into a more tender relationship, because most men like it when a girl is sincerely interested in their hobbies.
Step 3
Many men are flattered when they look strong and powerful in the eyes of a girl, and this can also be used to their advantage. You can ask a young man to help carry a heavy bag, open a jammed lock, or fix something. In this case, the girl should make it clear to the man that she turned to him, since she considers him the strongest, attentive, intelligent and resourceful. Most likely, he will appreciate the one who was able to appreciate him. Another effective way to get a young person's attention is to genuinely laugh at his jokes, even if they are not so funny. Usually men like it when someone can appreciate their inherent sense of humor. It is clear that it will not be possible to build a relationship on laughter alone, but this is only the first step.
Step 4
There is another way to take a step towards the object of your sympathy, but it is very risky and completely unpredictable. You can just admit your feelings directly. The reaction will depend on the attitude of the young man: if he likes the girl, then he will positively perceive her recognition. If there is a danger of being rejected, you can only hint to a man about your feelings, although it should be admitted that guys do not always understand hints. However, if he likes the girl, the young man can react quite adequately. If she is not interesting to him, he will ignore the hint. The girl will only have to come to terms with the situation and turn what was said into a joke.
Step 5
It seems to be much easier for a young man in such a situation: he can take the initiative openly and directly, especially since generally accepted ideas encourage this in every possible way. However, there is a certain problem: if a young man is really in love, he becomes timid and indecisive. Nevertheless, if he really wants to achieve his goal, it is better to discard his complexes and tell himself that nothing is impossible in life. True, becoming too arrogant and cheeky, perhaps, is also not worth it. Of course, some girls like it, but many can be off-putting.
Step 6
Do not expect that the girl will immediately reciprocate. First you just need to get her attention. In a conversation with her, you should treat many things with humor. It's good if you can cheer up the girl. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that the jokes do not start to annoy her. Do not be afraid to say compliments, most girls like it, only they should always be appropriate. For example, if a girl is plump, you should not admire her figure - she may perceive it as irony and take offense. You should always look at the girl you like with love and admiration. She should understand everything and at least be flattered. You need to try to be more romantic: give flowers (at least one rose), invite to the theater or to the cinema, organize a romantic dinner. There is not so much romance in today's life, meanwhile, many girls dream of it.
Step 7
You should always try to help the girl: transfer the weight, fix something, and finally remove her kitten from the tree. Many girls want to see a strong man next to him, behind whom you can feel like a stone wall. There are, however, other types of girls. They have such a strong maternal instinct that they want to constantly take care of their young man. It is better to turn to such a girl for advice as often as possible so that she feels needed and significant. Just do not constantly complain about life, it is unlikely that anyone will like it.
Step 8
Do not be discouraged if not everything will work out right away. A truly strong and serious relationship does not start in a few days.