Vitamin D For Babies: Which Is Better

Vitamin D For Babies: Which Is Better
Vitamin D For Babies: Which Is Better

A deficiency of vitamin D in a child's body can lead to unpleasant symptoms, ranging from poor appetite to rickets. This disease occurs quite often among children of the first year of life, therefore it is important to engage in prevention, namely, to take vitamin D.

Vitamin D for babies: which is better
Vitamin D for babies: which is better

The medicine that is prescribed to absolutely all children from birth is vitamin D. It has a positive effect on physical development, strengthens the nervous system. The pharmaceutical market offers parents a lot of preparations containing the "solar" vitamin. When choosing a medicine in pharmacy chains, it is important to understand what substances it contains.

What is vitamin D for?

It is primarily responsible for the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body. And this is directly related to the development of teeth, strengthening the skeleton, and the growth of bones. In addition, vitamin D has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Vitamin D is not accidentally called "solar". The substance cholecalciferol is produced in the skin due to the sun's rays. It can also be obtained by eating certain foods.


Who needs to take?

Vitamin D deficiency is most often observed in babies born in the fall or winter. First of all, the lack of a useful substance is observed in children living in regions with a cold climate. Often, heavy rains in autumn and severe frosts in winter simply do not allow you to leave the house for a walk.

Vitamin D is vital for debilitated and premature breastfed babies. Children receiving the formula need much less "sunshine" vitamin, as it is already contained in all infant formula.

Usually, preparations containing vitamin D, if necessary, can be given to children from birth. In other cases, premature babies are usually recommended to administer additional intake from two weeks of life, full-term babies - from one month.


Lack of vitamin D - what is the threat?

With a cholecalciferol deficiency, symptoms indicative of a lack of vitamin D will not slow down to manifest. The most common and noticeable symptoms are hair loss, excessive sweating, poor sleep, lack of appetite, and bloating. If vitamin deficiency is not eliminated, the child may develop shortness of breath, as well as a delay in height and weight. Teeth can also be damaged. With a deficiency of vitamin D, they erupt late, hard and often with defects. If you do not immediately take up treatment, a lack of cholecalciferol threatens with late closure of the fontanelle, curvature of the spine, bones, inhibition of mental development and many other problems.

To find out if the baby has enough vitamin D, you can take a blood test or conduct a urine test according to Sulkevich.

How to choose a medicine?

In pharmacy chains, customers are offered medicines containing vitamin D of two types: water-based and oil-based. What is the difference?


Preparations in oily form are better absorbed, but they are much more difficult to dose. Mostly prescribed at the first suspicion of rickets. The second group of drugs is more often recommended for prophylactic purposes. Water-based vitamin D is non-toxic and, in rare cases, can cause allergies. In addition, such drugs quickly enter the intestines and last longer than oily ones. If the baby is not all right with the intestines, kidneys or stomach, oil medications should not be used.

The disadvantages of oil drops include the possibility of overdosing, since oil-based vitamin D is not easy to dose.

Medicines containing vitamin D can be purchased at any pharmacy. Here are the most popular ones:

Fish fat. Has a pleasant taste, does not cause allergic reactions. Available in the form of an oil solution.

Aquadetrim. One of the most common water-based preparations. Can be given to children from the fifth week of their life. Each drop of the medicine contains 500 IU of vitamin D3. However, some components in the composition of a children's drug may seem dubious: benzyl alcohol, flavoring, sucrose. Despite this, customer reviews are generally positive, and Russian pediatricians most often prescribe this particular drug.

ChildLife Essentials, D3. A water-based medicine that can be used from the very birth of the baby. The composition contains natural ingredients, and a special feature is a berry taste that can please the most fastidious children.

Complivit Aqua D3. Another water-based drug. It is an analogue of Aquadetrim and belongs to the budget category of drugs. A good remedy for the prevention of diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency, without causing side effects.

GreenPeach, D3,. Oil based medicine. It contains coconut oil that is tasteless and odorless. The main advantages of the drug are the absence of various allergens, which are often found in modern medicines. There are no dyes or flavors, and there is no salt or sugar. GreenPeach is perfect for children prone to allergies.

Vigantol. An oil solution, one drop of which contains 667 IU of vitamin D. It can be taken by babies from two weeks of age.

DEVISOL Drops D3 from Orion Pharma. Finnish medication of the middle price category, can be prescribed to infants from three weeks of age. It is often prescribed in the winter to prevent hypovitaminosis. The indisputable advantages include the absence of lactose, soy, preservatives and other additives unnecessary for the child's body. The disadvantage is the inconvenient dosage (five drops per day). However, it is not as convenient to dose any oil preparations as water preparations, and this is the imperfection.

The price of each of the drugs depends on the manufacturer. The cheapest are domestic medicines, their cost is about 200 rubles. Imported counterparts can cost three times as much.

How to apply?

Vitamin D is prescribed for babies only in drops. The dosage will always be calculated individually. The type of feeding, age, maturity, season and much more are taken into account. Usually, as a prophylaxis, healthy babies are prescribed one drop containing 500 IU of the substance.

The medicine containing the "sunshine" vitamin should be taken in the morning. The required number of drops is collected in a spoon, and then a little boiled water is added.


Vitamin D in foods

It will not be possible to completely replace vitamin D in the amount in which it is contained in medicines. However, it is possible to increase its intake into the body. To do this, you just need to slightly adjust your usual diet. Here is a list of healthy foods that contain vitamin D:

  • Meat
  • Egg yolk
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Fish liver
  • Cottage cheese
  • Butter
  • Seafood
  • Potatoes

In addition, long walks in the fresh air on clear and sunny days will be an excellent prevention of rickets.

Vitamin D overdose

In order not to face the consequences of an excess of vitamin D in the child's body, it is very important to observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

The main symptoms of overdose include vomiting between feedings, which leads to weight loss. If the vitamin intake is not adjusted, vomiting can be followed by convulsions and severe dehydration. Therefore, every parent needs to be extremely careful. If the child begins to eat poorly, behaves restlessly and there are other symptoms of an overdose of vitamin D, immediately consult a doctor in order to quickly deal with the problem.
