Teething is a natural, but not very pleasant process for a baby. It can be accompanied by pain in the gum area, profuse salivation, fever and, as a result, frequent crying of the baby.

If the baby takes everything in his mouth, he gnaws rattles, sucks his fingers, etc. - teething of the first teeth is just around the corner. This event in a baby's life shouldn't make you panic. You are unlikely to be able to completely relieve the child of painful sensations, but you will be able to alleviate his suffering.
Gently massage the baby's gums. Take a sterile bandage and wrap it around your index finger, sweep it over your gums. You can use a piece of ice wrapped in a soft cloth.
Also use a special thimble brush, which is sold at the pharmacy. After the massage, the baby will feel much better. Get a teething stimulator ring from your pharmacy. Choose plastic, silicone, or water-filled. Disinfect it and chill it in the freezer before giving it to your baby.
May help relieve pain and a cold apple slice. Sweet and sour pleasant taste will provoke the child to bite more actively. Use a clean terry cloth toy. Put it in the baby's crib - he will scratch his gums on it. In addition, the soft toy perfectly absorbs copious saliva.
Wipe the gums and first teeth daily with gauze, after moistening it with chamomile broth or plain boiled water.
If the baby refuses to eat, before eating, lubricate the gums with a special gel with a slight freezing effect, which will temporarily relieve the baby of unpleasant sensations. If the child's pain is very severe and is accompanied by a rise in temperature, consult a doctor.
Usually babies hardly endure the eruption of the first three or four teeth and the last - molars. In some cases, the child's body temperature rises to 38 degrees and lasts until the inflammation of the gum tissue passes, a concomitant runny nose may appear. Do not confuse this condition with a cold.