Teething is a real challenge for babies and their parents. As a rule, this procedure brings great discomfort to the baby. Rarely does anyone have it painlessly. However, pain and discomfort during teething can be alleviated.

It is possible to determine that a child is teething by the following signs: strong salivation, swollen gums with small white blisters, moods, fever, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite. When teething, babies bite everything that comes to their hand, even their own fists are used. A mild facial rash may also sometimes appear.
Specialty teether toys are available from pharmacies or specialty stores. They come in the form of rings or funny animals with rubber or plastic bumps. They are recommended to be refrigerated before giving to the child. Some manufacturers pour distilled water into teethers to keep them cool longer. Having rubbed such a toy with gums, the child feels better. If you doubt the quality and safety of store teethers, give your little one chilled apple slices or carrot slices.
Gum massage
Gum pain can help ease the massage. Wash your hands thoroughly and gently rub your baby's gums with your fingers. At the same time, watch the reaction of the baby. This procedure should not cause him discomfort. For massage, you can use a special silicone fingertip. It is put on the finger and the gums are massaged in a circular motion.
Also in pharmacies you can buy special pain relieving gels for gums, hemeopathic balls, powders, tablets. Before using such medicines, you should consult with your local pediatrician. It is important that the preparation does not contain sugar or sugar substitutes. It is worth noting that medicines do not relieve pain for a long time.
When delivering teeth, pediatricians often advise young mothers to give their child paracetamol at night. It helps to cope well with pain, and, if necessary, will help to reduce the temperature.
Folk remedies
It is believed that amber helps children with teething. In the old days, amber beads were specially hung around the necks of babies. As you know, succinic acid helps in the treatment of many ailments, including relieves pain in the gums.
A soothing tea can help relieve pain. Take a pinch of dry chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, catnip. Pour a glass of hot water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Then strain. Give the child this infusion in any quantity.
Clove oil is an excellent pain reliever. It must be diluted in a ratio of 1.5: 1 with almond or olive and gently rubbed into the gums several times a day.