This term has two concepts: a light passenger car with an open body and the ability, knowledge, technique to make acquaintances for the purpose of seduction. The first point, of course, is interesting, but the second is gaining the greatest popularity lately.

The term is of English origin, which in translation means "to pick up", "to get acquainted". The word "pickup" no longer has any official interpretation or approach. In fact, these are views, methods, observations and experiments that help achieve rapport with the opposite sex. The word came to the Russian language thanks to Sergey Ogurtsov, who in October one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five created the forum-conference RU. PICKUP, where the issues of acquaintance and development of relations were discussed.
The pickup is based on psychology, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), zoopsychology (ethology), plus personal experience and practice. The last two points are a minus of the pickup in the sense that each article on seduction, each training or advice is purely subjective. Popular books on this topic, in most cases, contain a negative opinion about women and calls to “put them in their place”, which from the point of view of psychology can be regarded as a hypertrophied struggle with complexes of one's own inferiority.
Young people who do not have problems in the fair sex rarely use pickup methods, content with their own skills and knowledge. Although, as in matters with money, "there are never too many women," therefore experienced heartthrobs, despite their own literacy, education and ability to follow the rules of elementary morality, rank themselves among the pickup workers.
The main ideology of the pickup at the moment is to have sex with as many girls as possible, while spending as little money as possible. The main goal was reduced to getting sex and nothing more, which differs from the original "mission" - dating and relationships.
The question of whether a female pickup exists is also controversial. In female circles, the concept of a bitch is very popular. Her goal is to achieve her goal at any cost, to use a man at her discretion, squeezing everything possible out of him.
In fact, both bitches and pick-up artists are simply trying to close their own inferiority with aggressive methods full of selfishness, ignoring the scientific approach and the desire for harmony.