How not to be another victim of a man who turns dating with the opposite sex into a kind of sport? After all, pick-up artists do not disdain any means on the way to achieving the main goal: to seduce and abandon one woman in order to find the next.

Step 1
Listen to what the man is telling you. Pick-up artists rarely talk about their successes, much more often they like to compose sentimental fables. If your new acquaintance speaks too quickly or very slowly, if he gets angry and loses his temper when you suspect him of lying, it is highly likely that your intuition will not let you down and you have a professional seducer.
Step 2
Pay attention to how the man introduces himself. If he easily suddenly approaches an unfamiliar girl on the street, without embarrassment he presents you with an ornate compliment - perhaps you are in front of a professional pick-up artist.
Step 3
Be wary if, after about 10 minutes of dating, the young man proposes to continue it in a more intimate setting. The pickup artist may even try to use force or persistently persuade you to do exactly what he wants.
Step 4
Draw certain conclusions if a man, in the course of your communication, cares more about his interests, often glances at his watch, constantly leaves when they call him or to make a call.
Step 5
Tell a new acquaintance, for example, about your sick grandmother, describe everything in detail and emotionally. Look at his reaction - if he expresses genuine sympathy - fine, but if he doesn't care about your problems, it smells like a pickup truck.
Step 6
Tell the man that you want to introduce him to your parents or brothers (as an option). Rate his reaction, if in front of you is a pick-up artist, he will find a thousand excuses from such an acquaintance.
Step 7
Ask a new acquaintance to borrow a decent amount of money. If a man is in love with you, he himself will offer help, the pickup artist is unlikely to agree to help you.
Step 8
Turn on your intuition, look at the guy's actions from the outside. Do something he doesn't expect, something that knocks him out of the script. That is, take the initiative at least for a short time. The pick-up artist has a lot of improvisation and little fear - he is unlikely to get confused, an ordinary person will most likely start to worry.
Step 9
Try to understand the main goal of the man, which he sets for himself, communicating with you: if it comes down mainly to sex, in front of you, most likely, a pick-up artist. A serious person will first of all try to understand what kind of person you are, what problems you are worried about, etc.