A pickup truck is not only the art of dating and seducing girls, but also a whole philosophy of life. Young people, who are convinced pick-ups, are used to seducing themselves, and consider themselves unsurpassed in amorous affairs. But is it?

- - information about the pickup;
- - a well thought-out strategy of behavior.
Step 1
To conquer the pick-up artist, thoroughly study the theory of this fashion trend. Visit several online forums dedicated to this topic. Gathering information is paramount in the initial phase.
Step 2
Pay close attention to how the pick-up artists classify the girls. A charming man is always surrounded by a large number of women. If he owns the skill of a pickup truck, then it costs him nothing to seduce any of them using a well-oiled scheme. To grab the attention and intrigue of the modern Casanova, create an image for yourself that transcends any typology. Be different, mysterious and at the same time simple and open, insightful and at the same time a little naive. Your pick-up man should literally knock off his feet, picking the right approach to you.
Step 3
But arousing the interest of such a man is only half the success. Most pick-up artists aim for intimacy and pleasure. Therefore, your friend, most likely, will strive for exactly this. Your task is not to simply and sharply refuse him (otherwise he will quickly leave you as an unpromising option), but to arrange everything so that he feels guilty in your refusal.
Step 4
Pick-up artists are used to girls literally going crazy over them. Therefore, let him amuse his pride, call him several times herself, and then disappear for a while without explaining the reasons. This will make the seduction master think even more about you and the situation. He will be haunted by the thought that he did something wrong, was not attractive enough, etc. And he will start looking for ways to justify himself in his own eyes.
Step 5
Then you must convince him that you are the one, unique and amazing woman for whom he is ready to change his beliefs and marital status. Give the cold-blooded seducer something that he has never received from any woman - understanding, care, respect and kindness. At the same time, from the first minutes of communication, let him understand that you will never endure betrayal and forgive betrayal.