Girls are often not serious about casual acquaintances on public transport. Many young people are embarrassed to approach a beautiful girl, for example, on the train. But this does not mean that any attempt to strike up an acquaintance on the road is necessarily doomed to failure.

When meeting, avoid standard and banal phrases. Most begin with sentences: "Girl, can I meet you?" or "Have we met before?" Therefore, many girls have developed a habit of stopping such courtship before they begin. Find your own original phrase to start dating. It is desirable that it does not contain the "not" particle. For example: “I have lost an extra ticket to the show for tonight. How do you feel about the fact that I invite you to the theater?"
Use your surroundings to improvise. If a girl, for example, is reading a book, then this circumstance can be used both to start a conversation and for further conversation. But, on the other hand, if the girl you like is traveling on the train alone, is not busy with anything and just gets bored on the road, it will be easier for her to make contact.
Not many people want to break away from reading, from listening to music, from surfing the Internet for the sake of casual acquaintance.
Girl in the company of friends
In many cases, getting to know a group of girls is much easier than meeting singles. Firstly, because the girls are not busy with anything, except for communicating with each other. And a new acquaintance will only provide new topics for conversation. Secondly, being in a company, women feel more secure, protective instincts weaken. If everything goes well, all that remains is to do so to sit next to the girl you like, getting rid of your friends.
In addition, the girls in the company have a habit of talking loudly without being embarrassed by those around them. From their conversation, you can glean a lot of useful information - for example, what is the name of the lady you like. Then, directly when meeting you, you can impress her by calling her by name.
If the girl is alone on the train
For acquaintance with girls traveling alone on the train, a way is well suited to offer to solve a crossword puzzle together. If you have a tablet computer with you, try offering to watch a movie. Or try carefully and discreetly putting a note in her pocket asking to call you back with your phone number. If she calls back, honestly tell us that you wanted to meet, but the train was full and you could only put a note in your pocket.
Get the girl interested, carefully increase the dose of attention to her, but so that she fights for your attention to her. At some point, you will feel like old acquaintances.
When dating, try not to behave like everyone else. Come up with something of your own, original. Show your interest in the girl. Remember to show your good manners to make a good impression. Do not ask about her personal life: most girls answer to casual acquaintances that they have been busy for a long time, even if they are not. This is a defensive reaction - if your acquaintance continues, you yourself will learn everything about it.