There are many dating sites on the Internet today. For guys who are "friends" with a computer, this is an easy and quick way to get to know a girl. The selection of beautiful ladies on the Internet is huge.

How many good girls
On dating sites there are many good and … different girls. They get to know each other more readily than on the street. After all, in fact, for this purpose, they registered on the dating site with original avatars, adorable resumes and stunning photos. But there are many pitfalls in online dating.
The first such "pebble" is a wealth of choice. As if in a shop window, before the eyes of thousands of candidates, one is better than the other. In order not to get lost in this diversity, you should perceive the Internet as the real world and look for “your own field of berries”. That is, to accurately formulate for yourself the criteria, parameters, expectations and set them in the search. So you can somewhat restrict the field of activity for freedom of movement.
If you need easy communication, flirting, a non-binding relationship, you need to point it out so directly, without misleading anyone and not harboring any illusions. Here you can choose according to your clothes. If the goal of dating is a serious relationship, you should adequately assess your potential and formulate what you can offer the girl.
It is advisable, even mandatory, to post 2-3 of your photos. A woman, of course, “loves with her ears,” but she will do it much more willingly in relation to someone who is pleasing to her eyes. The photo should have an open face, one full-length photo (unless physique is your weak point).
It is advisable to indicate truthful information about yourself: height, weight, occupation. Briefly, without pathos, but there is no need to be modest either. After all, it is you that the girl should distinguish from the rest of the applicants. Help her see your strengths.
What you don't need to do in information about yourself. Post erotic photos (if it comes to that, you can always send them to the girl later), write unnecessary details, demonstrate contempt, narcissism, cruelty and any negative.
First step
Of course, a man always looks at the photo first and only then reads the profile. So, a photo can be the fruit of the creative work of a photographer or the result of Photoshop, especially if it is the only one. Preferred are girls who have several photos, from different angles and life situations. Now age. Ladies don't lie. They only reduce themselves a few years (sometimes about two dozen) and publish photos of the corresponding age. So be careful and evaluate the data in the questionnaire for adequacy.
It is wiser for serious dating to look for a free girl. And it's good to bypass the "sharks" who are looking for a man to solve psychological, financial or life problems.
Then you can go on to offer (but not impose) your candidacy. The banal “Hello! How are you? will be small. The message should carry a certain semantic load. And don't always count on a warm welcome. On the Internet, as in life, a girl's answer may completely depend on her mood at the moment. But on the Internet, refusal is perceived easier. Just move on and… cherchet la femme.