Very often men are afraid to meet beautiful girls. They are afraid that they may be rejected, they will not want to talk to them or even laugh at them.

The art of making acquaintances beautifully
In fact, in order to meet the girl of your dreams, you just need to understand a little about female psychology, and then, using simple techniques, you will be able to do it.
What do girls pay attention to in the first place? If you decide to meet a charming lady, you should pay attention to your appearance. The fair sex is fond of neat, well-dressed young people with cleaned shoes and clean-shaven cheeks. Of course, if brutal stubble is a permanent attribute of your image, you shouldn't radically change your image.
It's not the best time to start a new relationship if you've already drunk a lot.
It should be remembered that a sip of wine for courage and a couple of glasses of vodka have completely different effects.
And most importantly, you should be yourself. Do not try to invent something or behave unnaturally - this is immediately noticeable and alarming.
How to draw attention to yourself
First of all, you should approach the girl and introduce yourself. You can tell that you noticed her among the crowd, because she impressed you with her charm and sweet smile. You should tell a little about yourself, try to interest the lady.
Of course, it all depends on the situation you are in. If you're in a disco, try asking her out to dance. If on the beach, offer to play beach volleyball with you, if on a walk, buy a bouquet of flowers and give it to her. If you are in the company of mutual acquaintances, assess the situation realistically. Perhaps one of your friends can introduce you to a beautiful stranger. Think about what talents you have.
If you have an ear and a voice, you can sing a beautiful and romantic song dedicated to the lady of your heart.
If you saw a girl on the street quite by accident, but suddenly decided to meet her, go to her. Say that you understand that she probably does not meet on the street. But still, ask for an exception for you. Come up with a romantic story that you once dreamed about it, and you have been looking for it for a long time, but now you could not pass by.
The main task is to try to interest the person you like, to find as many common interests as possible. Girls love funny and witty guys. It will be good to have a few jokes, funny stories in mind. Maintain eye contact with the lady, make eye contact, smile as much as possible.
If the acquaintance was successful and you found a common language, do not forget to take the girl's phone number and be sure to call back.