According to psychologists, on the train it is not only easier for people to talk and get to know each other, but also to talk about the most intimate - after all, very soon the fellow traveler will leave at his stop, taking the secret with him forever …

Pros and cons of dating on the train
Getting to know each other on the train is quite easy, even for indecisive and silent people. Both the atmosphere itself (the sound of wheels, the anticipation of a trip or an upcoming vacation, etc.) and the view outside the window often dispose to communication. Even during the discussion of everyday issues, you can easily find a basis for a conversation that will smoothly flow into an acquaintance.
You can ask a nice young man to put the bag on the top shelf, or, conversely, get something from above. Such a trifle will be able to arrange the interlocutor and become the basis for further communication. A leisurely conversation under the sound of wheels over a glass of tea can be devoted to almost anything - discussing the view outside the window and flying cities, you can first talk about where you have already been. Or, on the contrary, where you want to go and why - if the interlocutor supports the topic, you can learn quite a lot both about his personality and plans, and even his attitude to life, not to mention his character and disposition.
You can get acquainted both with people who, by the will of fate, ended up in neighboring places, and with the rest of the passengers of the car - for this you just need to go out into the corridor or visit the restaurant car. According to psychologists, when traveling, especially on the train, people are easily romanticized and disposed to get acquainted. However, girls who are looking for their chosen one and are inclined to see such in many nice people should be reminded that sometimes a traveler may be the father of a family on a business trip, who is awaited at home by a loving wife and five children. Therefore, one should not rush to conclusions and after half an hour, albeit such a sincere conversation, make far-reaching plans.
Getting to know is not all …
The ease of acquaintances and communication on the train, unfortunately, and maybe sometimes fortunately, is balanced by their fragility. Of course, there are many cases when couples who met during a trip lived happily ever after, but … According to a number of psychologists, the so-called "coupe effect", when people freely and naturally communicate with strangers on a variety of topics, including, describing his own experience, due to the fact that ahead is an imminent and inevitable separation.
Trusting your secrets and fears to a person living in Irkutsk, you can return home to Kaliningrad with peace of mind - after all, the interlocutor will probably never meet again. This can happen not only on the train, when people feel the need to speak out, discussing the painful. And sometimes it’s easier to trust a stranger who doesn’t judge, doesn’t tell acquaintances or will not be able to deliver any unpleasant feelings in the future.
If a romantic relationship ensues on the train, the prognosis can be very diverse. This or that outcome depends on many factors, and is associated with a lot of nuances in the life of each of the partners, in particular, their work, interests, friends. It happens that, leaving the train, a newly-made couple is almost ready to link their future life. However, after exchanging phone numbers, after a while people are so absorbed in business that the "acquaintance from the train" can cause completely different emotions, and thoughts of continuing communication gradually come to naught … But sometimes the situation can be completely opposite, leading to a wedding and a happy life together - it all depends only on specific people and their desires.