How To Make Him Think About Me

How To Make Him Think About Me
How To Make Him Think About Me

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You can be charming, sexy, spend a lot of money on outfits, perfumes and lipsticks. You can call him every 10 minutes, send him SMS-kami or hint that you would like to go to the movies with him. He pays no attention to all this, all efforts are in vain. Why does this happen? What should be done to make him think only of you?

How to make him think about me
How to make him think about me


Step 1

Make a special bond between you

When he calls, be surprised to tell him that you just "was going to call him herself!" It doesn't matter if it's true or fiction. Your task is to make him start thinking - there is a special connection between you. Most people mistake coincidences for patterns. Most likely, he will perceive such frequent coincidences as a special sign, because you feel each other even at a distance. So you are a special girl.

Step 2

Copy his communication style and manner

Have you noticed that you cannot maintain a conversation for a long time, there are awkward pauses during a conversation? Take a close look at his gestures, manners, behavior and communication style. Try to adapt to him, copy his behavior and manner of speaking a little. Many geisha have used this method and it should be noted - very successfully.

Step 3

Pretend that you are already a couple

Behave with him as if you have been together for a long time. Use the pronoun in your conversation - "we", not "I" and "you". Gradually, he will begin to get used to the fact that you are a couple. Thus, he is psychologically prepared for a joint future. Just make sure that "we" does not sound too intrusive, otherwise it may seem that you have encroached on his freedom.

Step 4

Keep track of the flowers in your clothes

Red attracts attention and stimulates imagination. Dress up for your next date in a bright scarlet dress and you will be irresistible. If you need to tell him bad news, it is best to choose a blue or green outfit. These colors have a calming effect on a subconscious level.

Step 5

Give him an adrenaline rush

Pay attention to the objects, hobbies, and interests that give him an adrenaline rush. Go with him to his favorite rock band or kayaking trip, the main thing is to make his heart beat faster next to you. Jointly experienced strong emotions bring you closer and, thinking about you, he will begin to experience the same emotions and feelings.

Step 6

Call his name more often

Calling him by name, you establish an intimate connection between you. Just don't overdo it, otherwise it will look strange.

Step 7

Let yourself sometimes "read his mind."

The technique is simple: you flatter him a little. For example, you say that he has a perfectly developed sense of humor. How could he disagree with this statement? And when left alone, he wonders - how does she know so much about me? Soon, he will be sure that you were sent for him from above.

And most importantly - believe in yourself and everything will work out!
