How To Understand A Newborn

How To Understand A Newborn
How To Understand A Newborn

Table of contents:


Caring for a newborn is a challenging and responsible job. The task is complicated by the fact that the baby still does not know how to speak and the mother needs to guess her desires herself. However, do not despair, over time you can learn to understand your child without words.

How to understand a newborn
How to understand a newborn


Step 1

If your baby's crying is demanding and gradually increasing, most likely he is hungry. When trying to rock the baby, he does not calm down, opens his mouth and turns his head in search of food. Some children, when they are hungry, start pulling a fist into their mouth. Do not wait for a certain time, strict feeding by the hour is not at all necessary. Feeding on demand is more convenient and beneficial for the mother's peace of mind and the proper development of the baby.

Step 2

Pay attention to the times and circumstances under which the child is most moody and whiny. One of the most common causes of crying in babies is abdominal pain (colic). Behavior characteristic of colic: the baby starts screaming after feeding, writhes and squeezes his legs. Special baby teas and a balanced diet for a nursing mother will help to cope with this problem. In addition, after each feeding, you need to keep the baby in a column for 5-10 minutes so that the excess air leaves the stomach.

Step 3

Unfortunately, pains are of a different nature. General lethargy and long monotonous crying (whimpering) may indicate problems with the baby's health. If a child rubs his ears when crying, you should see a doctor to rule out the presence of otitis media. A slight fever, increased salivation and the habit of pulling everything into your mouth are a sign of teething. Do not lose sight of the warning signs and if you suspect a disease, be sure to consult a doctor.

Step 4

When accepting guests or bringing your baby out into the light, get ready for a hectic evening. The kid is overworked, yawns and wants to sleep, and with the help of crying, he dumps the excess of emotions accumulated during the day. A child with increased nervous excitability needs a calm home atmosphere and a clear daily routine.

Step 5

Some crumbs cry out for attention and tactile contact from their parents. Do not be afraid to spoil your baby: hug, kiss, squeeze him. Lack of affection is often expressed by the child's excessive tearfulness and capriciousness.
