Winter holidays are a good reason to spend more time with your child, to bring to life some long-standing ideas that have not been reached during the school year. To organize your holiday in an interesting way and keep your child entertained, you only need a little imagination.

Outdoor fun
In winter, in the open air, you can organize a lot of entertainment, in which not only children, but also parents can take part. In the first place in the cold season, of course, skating and skiing. These sports develop well endurance and agility. You can even host small competitions with token prizes.
You can also have a great time in the winter in the forest. You can go there on skis or bring a sled if there is room in the forest to slide down the hill. Also pack sandwiches, biscuits and hot tea in a thermos with you - your child's appetite is sure to clear up in the fresh air.
In the forest, you can also play Young Rangers. Draw the child's attention to the tracks of animals and birds and try to identify them with the help of an encyclopedia or specialized sites. Let your child fantasize about what the animal was doing - hunting, running, playing, etc.
In a snowy winter, you can build a wonderful slide near the house, arrange a competition for the funniest snowman or build a real fortress. Not only your children, but also their friends can take part in these fun. Gather a cheerful company in your yard and have a great time playing snowballs!
After the New Year, you can organize a game "12 notes" for the children. Walk along the route in advance and hide the notes describing the places where you need to look for them. And in the last one, describe the hiding place where Santa Claus hid gifts for the children.
Home entertainment
In winter, the weather does not always allow you to go for a walk. In this case, various board games, puzzles, etc. will help you out. Teach your child to play checkers or chess - these intellectual games are not only interesting, but also well develop logical thinking, which will undoubtedly be useful for a child at school.
A girl can be occupied with knitting, beading or embroidery, a boy - with burning, assembling models, etc. Build a feeder with your child - it can be installed in the forest during a walk and periodically visited to replenish food supplies.
Involve your child in preparing for the New Year. Children love to decorate the Christmas tree. Give your little one the opportunity to decorate the tree to their liking, and you will surely have the most creative one.
If you do not want to stay at home, and the weather is not conducive to a walk, you can go with your child to an exhibition, planetarium, theater, circus. Such leisure is not only pleasant, but also useful for the development of horizons. In general: the main thing is not to be lazy, and your winter holidays will be remembered for a long time!