Why should women not be afraid of divorce and how can unpleasant situations associated with this process be avoided?

Many women are not only unfair to themselves, but also to their lives and achievements and successes. Despite the fact that society is quite modern, many families try to marry their daughter away much earlier than the time when she herself is ready.
Why shouldn't women be afraid of divorce?
In fact, parents may not forcibly send their daughter to the registry office, but from an early age they tell that a woman was created for a family, for a husband and for children. Hence the desire to get married faster.
If a girl married unsuccessfully, then no one will be happy about a divorce in the family. Usually relatives say that the wife should endure everything, forgive, encourage, support and love. But if the family also has children, then it is not worth leaving them without a father. Therefore, it is worth enduring and living as a martyr.
Most girls reproach themselves for such a choice, believing that it was their haste that played a cruel joke on them. But in fact, at that moment the girl was still foolish, and youthful maximalism played in her. But everything can be fixed. You can even leave an unsuccessful marriage, it is only important not to be afraid of it.
Experts say that you should not spend your time with unpleasant people, this also applies to family life, since such a society can cause harm, both moral and physical.
If there are no feelings for a person and you do not want to be with him, then you should part ways and build a further happy life. Perhaps this was such a springboard to a new life, to a new family, in which there will be mutual understanding, love and tenderness.
Well, let's say, if you need to live with this unloved person your whole life, is it possible? Will you get tired of being unhappy? Does society need such a feat?
The main thing is to understand that even being alone is better than with a person whom the soul does not love and generally does not tolerate. In addition, loneliness will not last forever: soon it will be possible to find a really worthy man who will give those feelings and emotions that were previously lacking from their former husband.
Don't be afraid of lonely evenings. We should consider this time as a chance to get to know ourselves better, think about some points, take time for ourselves, enjoy peace. Most women found their love, their happiness, only after they divorced an unloved man.
And we can say that these women are happy. Therefore, you should not be afraid of divorce, because it is impossible to live your whole life without happiness next to a man. Therefore, you should not worry about divorce.