There may come a period when spouses are on the verge of breaking up. Why is this happening? The reasons for quarrels can be: lack of money in the family, jealousy, lack of romance, sexual dissatisfaction, and others.

Frequent quarrels between spouses lead to a break in relations. To avoid them, you should sit down at the negotiating table with your significant other and discuss issues that lead to the development of certain conflicts.
Often the aggressors of the conflict are women who complain about the lack of funds in the family budget. The weaker sex blames men for this, who, according to social attitudes, must provide for the family. There is only one way out of the situation: carefully but firmly ask the man to find a job if he is unemployed, or change it if the salary is too low.
Jealousy is an unpleasant feeling. That women, that men can pretty much screw themselves up, come up with something that in reality did not exist. Jealousy can also destroy families. The way out of the situation is to learn to trust your spouse and not come up with too much.
Remember the beginning of a relationship: going to the movies, bouquets of flowers, romantic evenings. If everyday life depresses you, dilute the evenings with romance. This will bring the intimacy back into marriage. Lack of romance is a sure way to distance and coldness in a relationship.
Add more sex to your daily life, as a lack of intimacy in a marriage is detrimental to the psychological state of both spouses. Do not forget that you need to satisfy not only yourself, but also your partner. The quality of sex is just as important as having it!
Trust each other, plan the future together and always discuss the issues that plague you.