How To Avoid Quarrels With Your Husband

How To Avoid Quarrels With Your Husband
How To Avoid Quarrels With Your Husband

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Quarrels, misunderstandings, conflicts are natural manifestations of human relations. Even the most loving, most devoted married couple is not immune from this. After all, people are not soulless mechanisms. Both husband and wife can be upset about something. In such a situation, any unsuccessful or at the wrong time said word can serve as a "trigger". Since a woman is considered the keeper of the home, the psychological well-being in the house largely depends on her. So how should she behave in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels with her husband?

How to avoid quarrels with your husband
How to avoid quarrels with your husband


Step 1

First of all, understand that marriage is the art of compromise. In no case should you stubbornly insist on your own, all the more to resort to such "female weapons" as tears, scandals, hysterics. There is simply no better way to piss off your husband! Somewhere you need to give in. If you think your point of view is correct, then you need to prove it convincingly, with the help of arguments, and not emotions.

Step 2

Remember that men and women are made up differently. Due to physiological and psychological differences, they look at the same thing differently. And because of this, their interests are also different. Therefore, it is completely useless to try to interest the husband with a story about the latest gossip heard from girlfriends. And it is even more senseless to take offense at him for the fact that in the midst of such an exciting story he suddenly began to yawn.

Step 3

Think: would your patience be long enough if your husband with burning eyes began to tell you about the last football match of his favorite team or about some technical novelty that you do not understand at all?

Step 4

Immediately try to tune in to the fact that for the overwhelming majority of men the word "order" means immeasurably less than for women. If your husband does not throw his clothes and socks all over the place, consider yourself lucky, and do not tempt fate with petty (from his point of view) nagging about the fact that every thing should have its place.

Step 5

Remember that men get annoyed when a woman takes too long to get ready. Of course, purely theoretically, they understand that the fair sex takes much more time to get ready, but in practice it very quickly begins to anger them. Especially when time is running out. Therefore, try all the same to start gathering ahead of time, so that your beloved does not throw alternately evil glances either at the clock or at his beloved "kopushka".

Step 6

Do not forget that the vast majority of males are much more restrained, secretive than women. And at the same time they hate it when they "climb into the soul." If your husband is clearly upset about something, puzzled, but does not want to talk about it - do not insist, give him time to "move away." If he wants, he will tell everything himself.
