Unfortunately, one cannot do without a quarrel in life together; from time to time, spouses have dissatisfaction with one or another reason. An unpleasant aftertaste after a quarrel prevents a married couple from feeling happy again in marriage. It is better to learn to avoid scandals, and harmony will return to your family.

Step 1
Speak in a calm tone. Do not interrupt each other during a conversation, speak and listen in turn. This simple psychological trick lies in your ability to listen to the other person. The simultaneous conversation in a raised voice will inevitably lead to misunderstandings and an outbreak of anger. As soon as the screaming stops, you will have the opportunity to converse calmly and constructively.
Step 2
Find out what events most often cause family scandals. The spouse may become irritated if he is late, forgot something at home, did not have time to make a phone call, etc. Minor domestic troubles affect the mood of the spouse and, as a result, violate the harmony in the family. Help him if you can. Do your best to eliminate annoying factors, and then your husband's peace of mind will be restored.
Step 3
If you see that the situation is beginning to get out of control, go with your spouse to visit. In front of witnesses, you will not show family disagreements, and tense emotions will subside over time. On a visit, you will have time to calm down and relax. After a well-spent evening, you will no longer have the desire to continue the showdown.
Step 4
Do not insult each other, no matter what you argue about. Avoiding insults and attacks on your opponent is the main rule of conducting a constructive discussion. It is enough to accidentally or deliberately offend the interlocutor, and the dispute immediately sharply develops into a scandal with all the ensuing consequences. If in a conversation you switched to the topic of your relationship, still focus on the problematic situation, do not get personal.
Step 5
Remember that in the heat of an argument, people tend to exaggerate the flaws of their other half. People with a quick-tempered, impulsive character can say a lot to their interlocutor. Ignore every phrase you say in the heat of the moment. Your spouse will quickly cool down, because individuals with such a temperament are easygoing. But if you react violently to every remark that seemed unfair to you, the squabbles between you will become commonplace.
Step 6
Try to make compromises more often, your family rests on this. Take steps towards each other, do not forget about mutual concessions, and you will move to a new, deeper level of relations.