The baby is exactly one month old! Let's describe his neuropsychic development.

The kid already quite confidently holds his head in an upright position, fixes his gaze well on various objects, and can briefly follow an object that is smoothly moving in front of his eyes. He clearly reacts to the sound - shudders, sometimes turns his head. He loves to look at the face of an adult bent over him.
Most children give their parents a wonderful gift for their first "birthday" - a charming smile. However, your baby is a big dormouse, sleeps 18-20 hours a day. At this age, the baby can express all his desires and requirements only by screaming; over time, the scream acquires a fairly clear intonational expressiveness, depending on the needs of the baby.
In a healthy baby, the cry is loud, its strength and duration depend on how quickly you eliminate the cause of the anxiety. A little screaming even crying is useful: the child takes deep breaths and ventilates even the most distant parts of the lungs so well. Only for a short time, the cause of the cry still needs to be eliminated. If this fails, then it is possible that the baby is sick.
The child has become less constrained, the movements of his arms and legs are more free, which means that the physiological increased muscle tone has begun to disappear. In addition, your baby has grown and recovered.