Pregnancy is a wonderful time! Every woman experiences sensations that she could not even imagine before. A sea of feelings and emotions, how not to miss anything and enjoy every moment!

The very first, wonderful, unique joy is two strips on the dough! Do not miss! Even if at first you may be confused and scared. Pregnancy is happiness! Don't let other thoughts steal from you this first, most amazing joy, the realization of pregnancy!
The second joy is the first ultrasound when you see your baby's doctor on the monitor screen! It's just extraordinary! If possible, double this joy by calling the future dad to the ultrasound scan.
The third joy is to feel how the baby first moved. The feeling of a new life is a priceless joy!
The fourth joy is your own uniqueness. All your attention from the outside world goes inside yourself. You are not like everyone else.
The fifth joy is going on maternity leave. You're free! You get enough sleep and only do pleasant things, such as buying things for your baby.
The sixth joy is the attention of other people. You are given a place in public transport and skip the line. And the husband sings songs at the navel and reads poetry.
The seventh joy is that you can be capricious and allow yourself what was previously impossible. Someone asks for a watermelon in February and watches with pleasure how the husband rushes about, someone eats ice cream 10 pieces each. The main thing is to remember about the framework.
The eighth joy is your chest! Full, elastic, very beautiful!
The ninth joy is a pregnant photo shoot! Take your time and money and find a good photographer. These photos will delight you for years to come. And each time, revising them, you will remember these wonderful sensations of the birth of a new life.
The tenth joy is the end of pregnancy. What it was all for. A little dear man for whom you are the whole world!