Sunburn In A Child: What To Do If The Baby Is Burned

Sunburn In A Child: What To Do If The Baby Is Burned
Sunburn In A Child: What To Do If The Baby Is Burned

In warm weather, when the bright burning sun is shining, everyone tries to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. The sun's rays supply the human body with vitamin D, which is very important for health, especially for children. But you need to remember about safety measures and the insidiousness of ultraviolet rays, because they can cause burns to the baby's delicate skin.

Sunburn in a child: what to do if the baby is burned
Sunburn in a child: what to do if the baby is burned

Sunburn in a young child

Children's skin is less protected than adults. Babies under three years of age are at greater risk of being burned than older children. A child can get sunburn in just 5-10 minutes under the active sun. If the baby's skin is light, he is even more susceptible to burning than a dark-skinned baby.

Burning symptoms can be seen on an infant's skin towards evening or even the next morning. At the same time, his skin turns red, and the child becomes very hot, the state of health deteriorates, there may be an increase in body temperature, the areas of the skin that have suffered become quite painful. A child hurts when he touches another person's bed or skin. The baby cries, cannot sleep, does not eat. Later, red spots with small pimples appear on the body, but not in all cases.

After 2 days, the child feels better and the wounded skin begins to peel off.

How to help a child who is burnt in direct sunlight

If the baby has received a minor burn, you can help him at home without seeking help from a doctor. But you must know exactly what first aid measures need to be taken. Remember that the first step is to apply a cool compress to the affected areas and change it as it warms up, while monitoring the baby's well-being.

There is a very famous folk remedy, such as sour cream or kefir on burns. Cover the scalded surface of your baby's skin with these products, and they will help cool it down perfectly.

Cool green tea is also a great remedy and can be used on baby skin too.

It has long been known that products and herbs such as eucalyptus, chamomile (you can take baths with them or simply wipe the body with decoction), cucumber juice and white cabbage leaves moisturize, relieve itching and cool the skin.

In addition, today there are a lot of medicines, ointments and sprays that can be found in pharmacies, but it is important to know if your child is allergic to certain drugs.

If there is an increase in the baby's temperature, it is better to bring it down with paracetamol, it will also help relieve pain and calm the child.

After the affected baby feels better, it is worth continuing to monitor his condition and offer plenty of fluids. However, if you feel unwell, immediately seek qualified medical help.
