Parting with a man is a tragedy for almost all women. Someone goes through it and starts everything from scratch, but most still want to return the relationship. Maybe because it is not easy to forget about the past, maybe because the feelings were too strong. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that the thought is born to save love.

Step 1
Before you think about how to return a departed love, think carefully about whether you need it. Why do you want to revive feelings? Perhaps you are guided by a hurt conceit or unwillingness to part with the past. Consider whether it is worth it to become unhappy living with an unloving and unloved person. Yes, once there was tenderness between you, but it is long gone. So let go of the old feeling to free your soul for a new one.
Step 2
If you firmly decided that breaking up with your boyfriend was a mistake, analyze why you were unable to maintain a warm relationship, what is the essence of the conflict. Maybe you and your beloved will be together again, maybe he will come back to you tomorrow, but without taking into account the mistakes, you can easily repeat them in the future.
Step 3
Do not rush to run after the departed man, shouting how much you love him. He, of course, will notice your efforts, but he will not heed your pleas. Don't be humiliated. Give the person time to think carefully about everything, decide whether he needs you or not. If you need him, he will come to you himself, but if not, forget about him: all the same, you will not be able to build a relationship.
Step 4
If many days have passed since the moment of separation, and your beloved, as it seems, is not going to return, call him. Perhaps he just thinks that you do not need him. Men are proud creatures, unable to survive rejection and afraid to hear it. Take the initiative.
Step 5
If a man doesn't want to put up, don't force him to do it. Do not threaten with a jump from the balcony of the seventh floor or other scary things. Believe me, you will lose more than you gain: there is no sight worse than a humiliating woman. Think, does your beloved really need such a companion? Become strong, strong-willed, learn to make decisions and control emotions. You will see that after a while he will look at you with different eyes. And, perhaps, he will return.