It happens that feelings do not go away after parting, and then the question arises before a person - how to return old love. After all, your ex-second half knows you as flaky, she already knows the disappointment in your relationship, so in order to rebuild a harmonious union, you will have to work hard.

Step 1
After you have made the decision to return your old love, find out how the life of your former lover is going. It's good if you study at the same educational institution or work together - then you are aware of how he has changed, and whether someone new has appeared in his life. And if you did not communicate all the time after the breakup, you will have to turn to old acquaintances and study social networks, building paths to the return of your beloved.
Step 2
So, if a pleasant surprise did not happen and your abandoned love does not tell everyone you know how it yearns for you, you have two options for behavior. You can come to the object of sighing and directly say that your parting was a mistake, love still did not fade away. Be sincere and try to say everything that you have accumulated over the months that you spent without your loved one - after all, you may not have another chance. In order not to forget anything from excitement, it would be nice to use the old proven method - to write down the main points of the conversation on a piece of paper. Of course, you should not read an apology from a cheat sheet, but remembering what you want to talk about before pressing the intercom button will be useful.
Step 3
If your breakup happened a long time ago and you and your life have changed (for example, you turned from a poor student into a successful young man), then you can appear before your love in a new light and start the relationship anew. However, when you come to your beloved with a bouquet of flowers, remember that your first meeting after a long separation should not turn into an argument over who achieved more during the separation. Treat your ex as a recent acquaintance that you liked, do not remember past mistakes and shortcomings you know, but remind him that you remember his strengths and respect his tastes - it always works overwhelmingly.
Step 4
If you are a desperate girl and the above methods did not help you, you can use the magic ritual that abandoned women have used for several centuries. It should be held on the night of Thursday to Friday. Take two mirrors, set them opposite each other, put a candle in the middle. All the time, while it burns, you must repeat the words: "I am not afraid of black spells, I will not deny myself, I conjure on a candle - it will be as I want."