With a long cohabitation with a person who was once passionately loved, the feeling of love is dulled. Certain stereotypes of behavior "wedge in" into life, life becomes boring. Where is that lightness of falling in love, where is the intensity of passions, which you now lack so much?

Step 1
What gets in the way Behind the unnecessary husk, you may not see what is really valuable, so first you need to "clean" your life of garbage. How? Do a general cleaning of the house, put things in order. A person living in a gloomy and cluttered room feels that way himself - gloomy and “cluttered”. What kind of love can we talk about here?
Step 2
Discuss mutual claims to each other. Not in the form of a scandal, of course, but through a calm and friendly dialogue. Talk about possible solutions to the problem. If your spouse is dissatisfied with you in something, think about how you can fix the situation. If your spouse's behavior does not suit you with something, calmly express it to him. The claim must be very specific.
Step 3
New experiences When your home and relationships are in order, you can look for fresh experiences. Go to the cinema, theater, picnic in the woods; hike if you are tourism lovers. Do something together that will add variety to your life. If it's winter outside and you are not shy about prying eyes, go out into the yard and make a snowman, finally. Surely, after all, you used to have many common hobbies, only in the everyday hustle and bustle you somehow forgot about them.
Step 4
Memories of the Past Reflect on how your relationship began. It is important to remember only the good, not to delve into old grievances. Review old photos. Find in the closet those things in which you walked at the very beginning of your romance. Think of your mutual friends and acquaintances. If possible, invite them to visit (have you already put things in order anyway?).
Step 5
Sex: If you lack passion and variety in your intimate life, just try to abstain from sex for a while (of course, by agreeing about this in advance with your partner). Don't make sex a routine.