Sometimes you realize that you love only when you lose. What to do if a mistake of the past has separated you from who you want to be with? You can try to rectify the situation and return the old love.

Step 1
Remember what a person loves, his hobbies, interests. Use your shared past and mutual friends to help. See how and how he lives now. To do this, you can use social networks.
Step 2
Look for meetings. Show up where your loved one is. As if by chance find yourself in the same company, attend the same events.
Step 3
Rejoice in the person. Everyone likes it when they smile. Make it clear that your meeting is a gift, an important event in your life.
Step 4
Track your reaction. If your loved one is disposed towards you, then it's time to create reasons for joint communication. Based on your interests and passions, plan a movie trip, boat trip, or an unusual pastime.
Step 5
Keep calm. If you succeed in establishing a friendly contact, this does not mean that you are in a love relationship again. Give the person time, don't rush him. Be prepared to maintain a friendly attitude for as long as necessary. If possible, be close to your loved one.
Step 6
Correct the mistakes of the past. You broke up because of events or reasons that can be put into words and analyzed. Think about whether you can behave differently?
Step 7
Learn new things about a person. No one stands still: new events take place, other people appear, new peaks are conquered. You have changed and the person may have become different. Take a closer look at him. Understand what he is now, and what has changed? Do you like it in a person? Realize that you yourself have changed too. And the loved one examines and learns these new traits. If it were not for the shared past and memories, then it would be possible to start everything from scratch.
Step 8
Involve the person in your life. It doesn't have to be just dating. Ask for advice, ask for the opinion of a loved one. Invite to meetings with friends, introduce relatives. Take long trips together. Live life to the fullest. When you feel that he is ready to take a step forward, open your arms. Ask about relationships and living together.