Do not think that a minor injury is a trifle that will go away on its own. After all, a cut or abrasion can become a gateway to infection, and a mosquito bite can cause allergies. That is why first aid should be provided immediately if your child is injured.

Cut or abrasion
Carefully clean the wound from dirt, rinse with cool boiled water. Then the cut or abrasion should be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide. Remember that iodine and brilliant green cannot be poured into the wound, they are only for processing its edges.
In case of a burn of 1 degree, which is characterized by slight redness and slight swelling, the lesion should be immediately cooled: substitute it under a weak stream of cool water or apply ice wrapped in a plastic bag. This will reduce pain and skin damage. The cold can be kept for no more than five minutes. Cover the dried wound with a dry sterile tissue or lubricate with a water-based burn product. Do not use oil, cream or petroleum jelly. They slow down healing and can increase the risk of infection.
Bruise, sprain
Sit or lay the child so that the affected area is at rest. Apply ice or frozen food to the bruised area. Keep cold for 10 minutes every three or four hours. After this procedure, treat the bruised area with a drug that relieves pain and inflammation. Choose herbal products. Repeat for three days.
A bite of an insect
If your baby has been stung by a bee, bumblebee or hornet, the first step is to gently remove the sting with tweezers. Apply cold to the bite site for five minutes and apply onion or baking soda gruel to relieve pain. Then treat the wound with ointment.
When traveling with your child on vacation or out of town, always take a first-aid kit with you.