How To Assemble A Travel First Aid Kit For A Child

How To Assemble A Travel First Aid Kit For A Child
How To Assemble A Travel First Aid Kit For A Child

Traveling with a child expands the horizons of his knowledge of the world and contributes to development. Relax with your child, have a fun and interesting time. Prepare well for the vacation so that little troubles do not overshadow it.

How to assemble a travel first aid kit for a child
How to assemble a travel first aid kit for a child

Pain reliever and antipyretic agent. For children, you can use drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. These are drugs sold under the trade names "Ibuprofen", "Nurofen", "Panadol", "Calpol". It is most convenient to take drugs in the form of a syrup, candles can melt on the road.

Eye drops. In case of conjunctivitis, keep at hand at least the simplest drops of "Albucid" or levomycitin.

Ear drops. Water that gets into the ears of a child at a seaside resort, combined with the wind, can cause otitis media. Put drops of "Otipax" or "Otinum" into the medicine cabinet.

Allergy remedies. An unusual environment and food can cause allergies, even if the child has not had any of them before. Just in case, take "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Zyrtec" or "Claritin", and for external use with insect bites "Fenistil".

A remedy for the treatment of diarrhea. In case of poisoning and diarrhea, the child's first aid kit should contain sorbents that help neutralize the effect of toxins, such as activated carbon or Smecta, and to replenish the water-salt balance - Rehydron.

Hydrogen peroxide, adhesive plasters, bandages, cotton wool are useful for treating wounds. Take balms that accelerate healing, such as Rescuer, Baneocin, Bepanten, and a green pencil for treating abrasions.

Sprays "Panthenol" or "Olazol" will help with sunburn.

Take a broad-spectrum antibiotic, such as Flemoxin Solutab or Amoxicillin, but remember to use it only as a last resort. In such a situation, try to show the child to the doctor.

To rinse your nose, take with you products based on sea water "Aquamaris", "Aqualor", vasoconstrictor drugs to facilitate nasal breathing "Nazivin", "Xymelin" or drugs for the treatment of a cold oil-based, such as "Pinosol".

Sprays "Hexoral", "Tantum Verde" will save you from a sore throat. Look at the child's throat for the possible presence of plaque or plugs on the tonsils, they can talk about the onset of sore throat, which can only be cured with antibiotics. In this case, consult a doctor immediately.

Take "Dramina" from motion sickness of a child in transport.

Carefully monitor the child's condition on vacation, if in doubt about the correctness of the treatment started, be sure to consult a doctor.
