Why Is The Baby Crying? Ways To Solve The Problem

Why Is The Baby Crying? Ways To Solve The Problem
Why Is The Baby Crying? Ways To Solve The Problem

The young mother left the baby for a minute to do herself or household chores, and the child had already thrown a tantrum. How to reassure a baby and how to avoid rude [mistakes at the very beginning of raising a child?

Why is the baby crying? Ways to solve the problem
Why is the baby crying? Ways to solve the problem

Most people are annoyed by childish crying. And many sincerely want the child to calm down as quickly as possible in any way. Such an attitude can be forgiven for a neighbor who has nothing to do with raising children. For the mother, however, there is a very difficult task, you need to quickly navigate, understand the cause of the hysteria, choose the right approach and patiently bring it to the end.

Until the age of two, children most often cry because of hunger, a wet diaper, cold or heat, the absence of their mother, drowsiness or pain.


Children over the age of two who are able to explain what they want will find it easier to satisfy their needs. But at this age, manipulative tantrums begin to appear. But not all hysteria is manipulation. If a baby cries from pain or a broken toy, then this is a real child's grief, not inferior to a serious adult. At such moments, you need to let the baby cry. There is no need to reassure, distract, persuade, and even more so shame. Take the crying baby in your arms, hug and just shut up. At this time, the child frees his child's psyche from experience. When the baby calms down, you can talk to him, tell an interesting or funny story.

If the child is purposefully manipulating, then you just need to calmly ignore. Make it clear that the conversation will take place only when he calms down. If the child threw a tantrum in the store, tell the child that you will wait outside or near the exit. After all, hysteria without the main spectator is an empty matter and the kid will very quickly understand that he will not achieve anything this way.
