The crying of a baby is the only way for him to communicate with the world. A young mother, having given birth to her first child, is often lost when her child is crying. How to understand what exactly the baby wants, and most importantly - what to do? Read this article.

The younger the infant, the smaller the range of possible causes of crying. Therefore, it is more convenient to consider the reasons for the crying of a baby from the first days of life and further - in the course of its growth and development.
Immediately after birth, the crying of a baby is his only way of communicating with the world, the only way to tell his mother about his needs. When a child is just born, his main desires are: to be full, dry and sleep well. A little later, there is still a desire for intimacy with my mother. Latently, this need of the baby is satisfied during breastfeeding and motion sickness before bedtime. Therefore, in the event that the newborn wakes up and cries, you need to check the diaper, feed it and put it back to bed. In the first month, the baby sleeps most of the time, I wake up only to eat.
And now you are discharged from the hospital. The kid is growing up and the time comes for intestinal colic. Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine that the reason for the crying of the baby is precisely because his tummy hurts. There are still several signs: the baby's tummy is swollen, he twists his legs, often colic torments babies in the evening and at night. It becomes easier for the child after the release of gases from the intestines. The principle of your actions: from simple to complex. If you suspect that your baby is crying precisely because of colic, first address the simpler causes of possible discomfort: change the diaper, feed, and try to go to bed. Simple steps didn't help - move on to more complex ones. Massage, a warm diaper on the baby's tummy, etc., only in the last place, resort to the help of pain medications.
For some children, after a period of colic, it is time for teeth to grow, some have a little respite. If your child is of the second type, you are in luck that you will have a period of relative calm. As with intestinal colic, in the case of erupting teeth, the same principle "from simple to complex" remains. Before you start taking measures to relieve gums, make sure that the baby is full, the diaper is dry and that he is screaming not only because he wants to communicate with you, to get your attention. In the latter case, it is not always worthwhile to immediately run to the child: it is normal that the mother does not come running at the first call of an already grown-up child. Signs that the baby's teeth have begun to erupt can be quite obvious: saliva is released profusely, the child pulls everything into his mouth and tries to scratch his gums, the gums themselves are red, swollen, soft. Before the very appearance of a tooth from the gum, you can often tap it with a spoon: just take a teaspoon of metal and gently tap on the gum where you expect a tooth to erupt. However, the pain from growing teeth can begin long before the appearance of obvious signs, that is, when the teeth are just beginning to move inside the gum. Then the child simply suddenly begins to sleep restlessly, to be capricious and to assume that this is because of the teeth is possible only by excluding other reasons. What exactly will help your baby with pain from teething - ointment on the gums, pain reliever, warm drink or breast sucking, rinsing the mouth with chamomile, etc. - you will understand only by going through different methods.
I would like to say a few words about the fact that it is not always necessary to immediately react to the cry of the baby. If you are sure that he is safe and his health is not urgently threatened, you should not immediately run to him. This is a direct way to raise a capricious child. The kid should gradually get used to the fact that the mother is also busy with important things (eating, going to the toilet, etc.). Therefore, learn to distinguish between the crying of the child. With some attention, you will quickly learn to distinguish screaming from pain, or hungry crying from simple whims. But you shouldn't go to extremes either; remember: the need for body contact with the mother is vital for the infant. If you do not take it in your arms at all, this can lead to bad consequences for the psyche and health of the baby.
The main thing is to believe in yourself, your mother's heart will definitely tell you what exactly needs to be done at the moment in order to calm your crying child. Both with intestinal colic and with teething, every baby has methods that help; maybe it will be something unique that will calm your child.