The first year after the birth of a child is quite difficult for parents. They are getting used to the fact that now there is a person in the house who needs to be constantly taken care of. And mom and dad do not always have the strength to cope with all the difficulties.

The kid is crying - dad is annoyed. What to do?
Very often men, who for a time have become the only earners in the family, are taken to work with tripled strength. They stay up late, take on additional responsibilities in order to earn more for their beloved wife and baby. And, of course, when they come home, they really want to relax. And this does not work, because children under one year old often cry. Colic, teething, and even just the weather affect the behavior of the baby. And rarely anyone succeeds in reassuring a child right away. Crying continues day and night, annoying the tired dad. In this case, parents need to be sure to talk about what to do so that the irritation does not grow every day.
If the baby cries without a pacifier, give it to him. Sucking movements help your baby to calm down. If necessary, when the baby grows up, the nipple can be easily weaned off.
How to give your father a break from a baby's cry
If the baby cries during the day, you can put him in the stroller and go for a walk. Very often, the measured swaying and change of scenery soothe the baby, he falls asleep. If the cry is caused by any external factors - the growth of milk teeth, colic, ARVI, etc. - be sure to give the baby a medicine, do not expect that everything will go away by itself. So you will not only make it easier for him to grow up, but also give the child's father a quiet rest. Take the baby in your arms, put it on your tummy. Most likely, he will calm down quickly.
Dad must remember that mom is also, and sometimes more, tired. Therefore, she needs to be given the opportunity to rest. Walking with your baby on weekends will help to establish contact, make the atmosphere in the family healthier.
Crying at night - how to calm a nursing baby
Very often, dads complain that the child does not allow them to sleep at night. And if one, two or three nights can still be endured, then fatigue and irritation accumulate and do not allow to work productively, to take care of the family. In case the baby is constantly crying at night, you can try two options to calm him down. The first is to put it in bed with you. It will be easier for both mother and child. She will be able to stop an attempt to cry in time by giving a breast or stroking the baby. The second option is to temporarily overpower dad in another room. It is worth remembering that babies grow up very quickly, and crying at night will someday stop. In the meantime, for everyone's peace, you can sleep in different beds for the spouses. After a few months, maybe even weeks, baby crying will become so rare that dad will even miss it. In the meantime, parents need to be patient, and remember that the child is the desire of both. And irritation, anger, aggression have no place in the family, no matter how difficult the period may be.