When a baby cries, he signals to you that he is in trouble. He may be hungry or his tummy hurts. Listen to the cry of the child and try to understand it.

1. Do not make the baby cry for a long time, take him in your arms and caress him, while talking to him affectionately. Walk around the room with him, sing a song, shake it in your arms. These techniques are very effective.
2. Give your baby a breast or pacifier. For a small child who does not yet have the main part of milk teeth, the nipple will not do much harm, but the sucking process will calm him down.
3. Press your baby into your belly. You can also lie down on the bed and put the child on you. For a baby, this position is most comfortable. Pat him on the back, on the head to calm him down faster.
4. If your baby loves water, you can prepare a bath for him. Add decoctions of chamomile, sage or other herbs that calm the nervous system. You can put one drop of lavender oil on the bath pad.
5. Take your child for a walk outside. As a rule, children quickly calm down on a walk and fall asleep. Do not forget to put your baby in a diaper so that nothing will interfere with his sweet sleep.
6. Involve all your family members in caring for your baby. It is very important for mom and dad to get enough sleep and be in a good mood, because then the baby will be much calmer. Assign responsibilities and decide who will spend time with the child and when.
7. If you can't handle crying babies, call your pediatrician home. The incessant crying of the baby may indicate the presence of some kind of disease.