How To Calm A Crying Baby In 10 Seconds

How To Calm A Crying Baby In 10 Seconds
How To Calm A Crying Baby In 10 Seconds

American pediatrician Robert S. Hamilton has come up with a truly revolutionary way that helps to calm a crying baby in just ten seconds. The doctor actively recommends this method to his patients.

How to calm a crying baby in 10 seconds
How to calm a crying baby in 10 seconds

Robert S. Hamilton demonstrated a method to calm a crying baby in seconds on You Tube. In just a few days, this video was watched by several million people.

How to calm a crying baby in seconds

You need to hold the baby correctly:

- it is necessary to fold the baby's arms on his chest;

- you need to hold the child gently with one hand;

- with the other hand you need to take the baby in the diaper area;

- now you need to rock the child, holding him at an angle of 45 degrees.

The American pediatrician claims that in just ten seconds the baby will calm down.

This method is suitable for babies up to three months old. An older baby becomes heavier and can be injured.

If the baby still can't stop crying, there may be other reasons.

Why is the baby crying

You shouldn't try to calm down a crying child right away. There are a number of objective reasons why a baby cannot calm down in any way.

Dirty diaper. Some babies just can't stand a dirty diaper on themselves, so they immediately start crying.

The baby can cry constantly if he is hungry. Mom needs to learn to recognize the early signs of hunger and feed her baby before he starts crying.

The child cries if he wants to sleep. For many toddlers, bedtime is a challenge. They often cry from fatigue.

Toddlers need hugs. They like to hear the voices of their parents, to smell them. Sometimes a baby's cry is a way to get attention.

Tummy problems can also make a baby cry. With stomach colic, the baby can cry for several hours.

A child can be capricious if he is experiencing discomfort: he is hot or cold.

Babies cry if their teeth are teething. This usually occurs between 4 and 7 months.

A baby's cry can also be triggered by his desire to burp. The baby may have swallowed too much air while eating, which is causing discomfort.

If all the basic needs of the baby are satisfied, and he still continues to cry, then you need to check the temperature or other main signs of malaise.
