Tears are a reaction to emotional turmoil. Moreover, the events that caused them do not have to have a negative connotation. Joy and happiness may well be the cause of tears. The fairer sex cry more often than men. But what exactly is the cause of the tears? Why is the woman crying?

Step 1
Tears can be powerful weapons. Men react differently to women's tears: they are worried, nervous, angry, but the fact remains - they do not remain indifferent. To draw attention to herself, to make a man feel guilty of something, to arouse at least some emotions in others, it is enough for a woman to "force" her tear ducts to function.
Step 2
But a woman's tears are not always a common manipulation. The woman is crying in pain. The pain threshold is different for all people, but in society it is believed that when experiencing bodily pain, boys should not cry, there will be many more scratches and abrasions in life. And gentle girls can afford to be sensitive. So, growing into women, former girls use their right to express their emotions.
Step 3
The pain can be not only physical, but also mental. And it is not yet clear which of them is stronger. Actions and unfair words (reproaches, accusations) of loved ones deeply hurt. A man drinks from resentment, beats (a wall or other men), and a woman cries.
Step 4
The woman is crying from powerlessness. In a hopeless situation, men tend to make drastic decisions, and no matter how reasonable and logical these decisions are, the main thing is to act, make a plan and get out. A woman is also able to act decisively, but before that she will throw out all her resentment at the circumstances in tears. This is a peculiar way to prepare for further difficulties.
Step 5
Love is one of the most compelling reasons to cry. Happy mutual love, unhappy unrequited love, lost love or just found love does not matter. However, it does not matter who the feelings are directed to - a man, his child or his parents. Or even your favorite thing.
Step 6
The woman is crying out of sympathy. No one will take away the ability to deeply empathize and sympathize with familiar and unfamiliar people, heroes of films and books from a woman. The weaker sex is more susceptible, it is easier for women to put themselves in the shoes of another person and understand what he is experiencing. Well, you can also cry out of a sense of female solidarity.