Unfortunately, not all sons are in a hurry to become financially independent from their parents. There are young people who do not immediately realize the importance of the ability to earn a living on their own. Talk to your son, show your wisdom and push him towards independence.

It is necessary
- - computer with Internet access;
- - Newspapers with job advertisements;
- - pen or pencil;
- - telephone.
Step 1
Help your son define himself professionally. Let work become a way for him to express himself, self-actualize and develop his own talents. If it is problematic to find a position strictly in the specialty received by your son as a result of studying in a special or higher institution, there may be some related area in which he will be successful.
Step 2
Explain to your son that work is not only a way to make money, but also an opportunity to prove to yourself and those around you that you are smart, smart, and enterprising. If your child realizes that work helps to develop, and idleness is a path to personality degradation, but he will start looking for vacancies.
Step 3
Teach your son that money is not something taken for granted. The sooner he knows the value of things, the more he will realize the value of labor. Give your boyfriend an incentive: give him a couple of seductive ideas where he can spend his hard-earned money. Focus on the interests of your son, remember what purchases or travel he talked about.
Step 4
Encourage your son to be independent. If your child is already very many years old, but he has retained infantilism and prefers to live at the expense of his parents, it may be worth opening the door to adulthood for him yourself. As long as he feels the material support of mom and dad, his lifestyle will not change. Maybe your son needs to start living separately. Then, naturally, he will be forced to provide for himself and go to work. Stop giving your son pocket money, clothing, and entertainment.
Step 5
Don't be too patronizing for your son. Perhaps you just spoiled him with excessive attention and excessive care. Try to be tougher with your overage child, become an adamant parent who will not tolerate an adult, healthy dependent in the house. Let your son be aware of all the responsibility he bears for his life and his actions, or, conversely, inaction.
Step 6
Help your son find a job. Perhaps you have friends or acquaintances who have a suitable vacancy for him. Create a resume with your son, look at advertisements in newspapers or on the Internet, select several vacancies, and send your son for an interview.