In a modern school, the main element of the pedagogical system is the teaching and upbringing of children. The school not only gives children knowledge, but also teaches simple communication in a team. When a student begins to come up with different ways not to study, parents begin to look for a way out of this situation.

Step 1
Ask your son what kind of relationship he has in the team - with classmates, class teacher, music and physical education teacher. Often, boys become hidden and withdrawn, hence the reluctance to learn.
Step 2
Talk to your son's homeroom teacher about problems that have arisen. Often, the teacher, on the other hand, can describe the current situation and tell what difficulties the child has in learning.
Step 3
Ask the student to show the homework assignment. Sometimes the material given to a boy at school is not entirely clear to him. In this case, the child doubts that he can cope with it, and simply does not want to fulfill it.
Step 4
Support your child and help him with homework. Sit down with him at the desk and ask him to think logically about the school assignment, explain the material yourself that the son has difficulty understanding. If the child understands what he has written, be sure to praise him.
Step 5
Give your child as much attention as possible. Children feel very acutely the lack of parental warmth and care and instinctively try to attract the attention of their parents by refusing to study. The child understands perfectly well that if he refuses to do his homework, mom and dad will definitely pay attention to this, and therefore to himself.
Step 6
When the son came home from school, ask him what was interesting at school, what he did during recess and what the teacher told about in the lesson. Do not ask your child every day what grade he brought, because he must understand that they go to school not for grades, but for knowledge.
Step 7
Do not scold the child, do not pounce on him with shouts and fights if he brought home a bad mark. Sit quietly together and work out the reason. However, if twos appear in the diary with a systematic regularity, you can deprive the child of entertainment, for example, games on the computer or console.
Step 8
Take into account the characteristics of your son's body and work out a daily routine. For example, after school - rest, food, homework. And some children like to do their homework right away, and only then relax.
Step 9
Remember that the student needs extra attention from the parents. Be a tolerant, caring and attentive parent, guide the boy in the right direction, and then the child will definitely have a desire to learn.