If you have lost the trust of your child, your son has stopped letting you into his problems, thoughts, talking about what is happening in his life, and you see him at home less and less, your relationship definitely needs reanimation.

Step 1
State the problem for yourself. Think about what may be the reason that your relationship with your beloved child is upset. Problems can be temporary and have a completely understandable motive, but they will not go away by themselves. The reason your son stopped sharing his heart with you may be because he doesn't feel like you understand and support him. This is not your fault. For household chores, work matters and in the daily rush, you cannot always give your child enough attention. It is important to switch all attention to him at the moments of a conversation with his son, to completely immerse himself in his world and learn to recognize and understand him again.
Step 2
Try to talk frankly with your son. Remember that he also loves you and cannot remain indifferent if you, during a conversation with him, say how sorry you are that you and him have become somewhat distant from each other lately. Make it clear to your child that you care what happens to him. If you feel guilty about something, ask for forgiveness, admit that you were wrong.
Step 3
Don't be too hard on your son. Remember to praise him for his achievements in life, support his endeavors and tell him that you are proud of your child. The recognition of parents is very important for a person. Many complexes and problems can arise from the mistaken feeling that the mother or father wanted a smarter, more talented, purposeful, courageous and successful child. In the end, your son may just shut down and withdraw into himself. Then it will be very difficult for you to reach him.
Step 4
Respect your son's opinion. Don't be too harsh and hard on your offspring. Remember that you, too, made many mistakes during the wonderful times of your youth and youth. Try to take his place and accept his interests. Keep in mind that your son is an independent, fulfilled person, with his own character and separate destiny.